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Chapter Fourteen
God Not Them

Chapter Fourteen God Not Them

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3rd Person POV

They drove the down the road with via and Sarah in the back and John b driving

"So welcome to the pogue life. Is it everything you ever dreamed of?" John b asked and Sarah reached over grabbing vias hand with a smile on her face

"And more" Sarah said and John b chuckled until they heard honking behind them

"Oh shits that's Rafe" Sarah said and Via looked farther behind

"And chris" Via said and Rafe drove up next to them

"God not them" Via continued

"Hey pull that piece of shit over" Rafe yelled and Sarah got out of the car as via got out and John b got out as he saw topper

"Hey V" Chris said and Via turned to look at him as he shut off his bike as topper came

"I thought I told you to stay the hell away from me" Via said and Chris chuckled

"Does it matter? You turn gay again?" He asked and via shoved him

"Watch your fucking mouth, Chris. I was always demisexual and you knew this so shut the fuck up and get on your bike" Via said and she watched Rafe, topper and Chris drive off as Via wrapped an arm around Sarah

"Well he's a tool" John b said to them

"Yeah tell me about it. I dated him" Sarah said as she was talking about topper and via was talking about Chris

"Hey I want to show you guys something" John b said and he got in the car as he drove them to a hidden lake and smiled at them

"How did you find this place, JB?" Via asked and He smiled at her

"I've always known about it and it's close enough to this church I like and the chateau so I'll leave you two to it , have fun" he said and they smiled at him as they looked around and he walked away

"Wow he really left us here" via said and she went to the Twinkie as she got a blanket out and set it on the sand

"so V, whatcha wanna do?" Sarah asked and Via smiled at her as she brushed her hand as she held Sarah's hair and brushed it behind her ear

"so you and chris? What happened there?" Sarah asked via and she leaned back

"Bad scary stuff that I hate revisiting but I have too" she said and Sarah nodded

"Then let's ignore it for right now. You and me, via and Sarah, us" Sarah said and she leaned in kissing via after a while they laid down on the grass and watched the stars until john h came over

"we have to go guys" he said and sarah stood up holding her hand out for via. they walked to the twinkie and via got in with sarah. he drove them home and she kissed sarah goodbye as she walked into her house.

She did a happy dance as she got into her room and she changed i of her clothes and then she fell asleep with a smile on her face

The next morning via was woken up by her sister standing above her

"Christ Kiara, what?" She asked rubbing her eyes and sitting up as her sister moved away

"We have to go to John bs and do this" Kiara exclaimed and Via nodded as she let her hair out of its ponytail and took the brush off of her side table and brushed through her hair. She then got dressed and followed Kiara outside of the house and to the car, she drove to John bs and went to hot tub as she saw JJ and she hugged him

"Kie told you?" He asked and she shook her head

"No J but I had a feeling. I'm just glad you're alive" she whispered and he turned hugging her back and she took a deep breathe in

"I'm okay V, I'm sorry for leaving so quickly and suddenly" he told her and she nodded as JJ took his feet out of the water and smiled at her

"It's okay j you're here and that's good enough for me" she said and he looked around

"John b pulling a Houdini" He said to them and via chuckled

"Yeah, where is he?" Pope asked and via shrugged

"No idea p" via called

"I got my scholarship interview in the morning. We've got to get this done" Pope said and that's when they noticed John b walking towards them

this is a really short chapter but i hope you guys enjoyed it

-ABBYS NOTES- this is a really short chapter but i hope you guys enjoyed it

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