Chapter 1

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"You asked to see us, Fury?" Natasha askes, crossing her arms. She looks at the one eyed man across from her. Steve and Wanda appear at Natasha's side.

"Yes, I have a new assignment for you. Sources have discovered a Hydra remnant operating out of the Death Valley desert region in California. Find it, shut it down." Fury responded, passing a thin file to Natasha.

"Hydra? How are they still in operation?" Steve questioned, shifting his weight, obviously remembering the disaster of Project Insight.

"I have no idea. But we have a lead. When you arrive, try to extract as much information about their new objectives as you can." Fury answered, seemingly annoyed by the question.

"Any word on hostages?" Wanda asked. Natasha picked up the file and began flipping through it, scanning some of the papers.

"Not according to my sources, but we can't be too sure. If there are, get them out."

"Find the facility, free any hostages, gather information, and shut it down. Understood." Steve repeated, taking the file that Natasha was handing him.


"Five minutes outside the landing zone." Natasha stated, flicking some switches above her head. Steve was sitting next to her in the cockpit of the Quinjet. Wanda was sitting in the back, flipping through the mission file that Fury had given them.

Natasha stands up from her co-pilot seat and walks over to Wanda. She presses a button on the wall and a compartment titled Romanoff pops open. She pulls out her widow's bites and attaches them to her wrists. She then takes out two extra ammo clips and clips them to her belt. Natasha glances over at Wanda, who has a hard expression on her face.

"You alright?" Natasha asks, closing her equipment compartment.

"If there are hostages...I'm wondering what Hydra was doing to them." Wanda stares at the opposite wall.

"What makes you think Hydra was doing something to them in the first place?" Natasha leans on the wall.

"I know Hydra. They take people for a purpose."

"If there are hostages, then we will help them." Natasha reassures her, placing a hand on Wanda's shoulder.

"30 seconds." Steve calls from the cockpit.

A moment later, the Quinjet lands in the sandy wasteland, about a mile east of the facility's location. The sun was setting, casting an orange hue to the landscape. The landing ramp door slides open and Steve, Natasha, and Wanda step out into the blistering sunlight.

"We really had to land a mission in the desert?" Natasha asks sarcastically.

"Let's get going. It'll be night in a few minutes and it will be easier to cover the desert." Steve starts walking forward, holding out a compass, heading east.

Twenty minutes go by. Night time had fully formed and the desert sands had cooled off to a tolerable temperature. The trio reach the top of a large sand dune when Steve stops walking.

"Get down." Steve murmurs. The three of them drop to the ground just as the Hydra facility just comes into view. It's a shabby building, fairly large but only a single story. Rows of solar panels line the roof of the building with several antennas and satellite dishes. There's a separate shed a few feet from the main building that houses several armored vehicles and dune buggies. On the opposite side of the main facility is a long strip of cement: a helipad. 

"There it is." Natasha surveys the perimeter. "I count ten guards."

"We will approach quietly. Wanda, use your powers, freeze their minds so we can get in undetected. Once inside, Natasha, make your way to the computer center. Download everything for later analysis. Wanda, find the prisons and look for any hostages. If there are any, free them and get them back to the Quinjet. I'm going to look for the head of the facility to bring him in. Once everyone is out, we'll erase the evidence. Stay on comms. Update us when you reach your assigned locations" Steve orders.

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