Chapter 10

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"Well Delick, word is that you successfully captured 24." called out a thickly accented voice.

    Delick once again stood before the council of his superiors, however this time in his new facility and not in a helicopter. The audio call had been a surprise for Delick, but he was grateful to report his success. Dr. Anar stood beside Delick, shifting uncomfortably.

    "That's correct. My plan, my trap, all worked to perfection. I now have 24 in a new containment facility." Delick's pride was almost too obvious.

    "This success is definitely a cause for celebration. Congratulations Delick and Anar." commented an excitedly thin voice.

    "Yes, with the future completion and success of Project Vita Nova, Hydra will once again regain their dominance that was once had." boomed a deep voice.

    "Sirs..." Anar's voice quivered as he spoke up. "With all due respect, how do you think we will succeed? The Avengers now know about us due to their contact with 24."

    "I believe that was inevitable, Anar. However, we can exploit their trust in 24 to serve our purposes better. We have learned to grow in the shadows. It won't hurt us to stay here a bit longer." replied the accented voice.

    At that, the audio call ended. Delick and Anar walked out of the meeting room, into the hallway.

    "Why didn't you tell them you had captured an Avenger and a Black Widow assassin as well. Their disappearance will just bring more unwanted attention to us." Anar said, trying to keep up with Delick's long strides.

    "They would either have me send them back or kill them, and that'd be a waste of good test subjects." Delick responds matter-of-factly.


    "If their ultimate goal is to bring down the Avengers so they can redeem some sense of power, then what greater place is there to start then killing their super spy and bratty sidekick."

    At that, Anar had no response.

    Delick turned to a nearby guard.

    "Have Commander Tren meet me in the testing room. Transfer 24 there too." Delick ordered the guard, who saluted in response.

    "The testing room? What could you possibly want to do there with 24?" Anar asked, utterly confused.

    "I wanna see if what we put in 24's head is still there." Delick replied, turning to Anar with his twisted smile.


    "Get up, try again." ordered Commander Tren, standing off to the side of the wide room.

    A nineteen year old Valary wiped her nose, smearing her blood across her face. She forced herself up, grunting in pain. She spat on the ground, blood from her nose now leaking into her mouth. Fingering her metal bracelet once again, she turned into the same metal and threw her hands up, ready for another round.

    She met eyes with her sparring partner, a burly hydra guard. He was just in a t-shirt and cargo pants having taken off all his protective gear and weapons. He hopped around slightly, fists up, ready to attack.

    He threw a punch, aiming for Valary's jaw. She ducked, recoiling with a hard uppercut. Her metal hands felt the crunching of something as her fist collided with his jaw. The guard staggered back at the shock of the hit. Valary took advantage of his hesitation, throwing another punch to the face followed by a kick to the stomach. Her partner fell to his knees coughing. Valary rushed forward, grabbing his neck in a headlock. One twist to the side and she could snap his neck. The guard struggled under her grip, trying to elbow her in the stomach but only hitting metal. He cried out in pain at his failed strike.

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