Chapter 5

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"Is this thing on?" Delick's comically thin voice pierced Valary's ears. He was flicking the camera, either for fun or out of genuine confusion. "Right...Hello, Avengers! My name is Doctor Spencer Delick. Let's cut the have something of mine." He waved at the camera. "Hi 24...or as you Avengers know her, Valary. Anyways, I humbly request for her to be returned to me, and in trade, I won't destroy your precious hiding spot. Simply trace this broadcast back to its original signal and meet me here. And, Valary, a bit of a warning if you don't come..." Delick leaned forward, his face very close to the camera, "You can choose to do this the easy way, or the hard way. Regardless, I know where you are, and I'm not afraid of coming after you." At that, he cut the camera feed, causing the screen to go black.

"We can't send her there. It's a trap." Steve said bluntly.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." Tony retorted.

"Valary, what do you make of this?" Natasha asked, off to Valary's side.

"Why are you asking me? You're the Avengers. I was just a prisoner." Valary asked, almost sarcastically.

"You were the one to spend over a decade of your life with him. Logically, you are the one to know him the best." Vision countered.

"Ok then...I think Delick is telling the truth." Valary began moving closer to Fury's desk in the center of the room. "He's trying to keep the whole situation from getting messy. He wants me to come back to his Project Vita Nova."

"Vita Nova?" Clint asks, looking like he's new to the conversation.

"The Hydra experimental project that wished to create super powered agents." Vision recited.

"It's how I got my powers." Valary added.

"The power to turn into any kind of matter?" Peter questioned. He had always found Valary's powers quite interesting.

"We're getting off topic here. We need to figure out what to do about Delick's request." Natasha said, bringing them back to urgent questions.

" mean you're not just gonna send me back?" Valary's question was completely innocent, believing the Avengers would actually give her back to Delick to prevent him from blowing up the Avengers Compound.

"Of course not. We got you out of that facility and intend to keep you out. You're not going back." Steve said, reassuringly.

"So then how are we gonna handle this?" Natasha once again asked the important question.

"I have a theory." Vision declared.

"Oh here we go. This will fix everything." Tony commented, turning to look at Vision.

"Theoretically, Spencer Delick, or at least one of his men, will be waiting at the broadcast origin. If we were to send in a team to capture whoever is there, they could hypothetically lead us to Delick or his superiors." Vision says like the plan was obvious.

"Just like that? You're making it sound too easy." Sam said, crossing his arms. Bucky stood there, in silent agreement with his friend. He was doing his staring thing again.

"Valary, of course, would not be a part of this hypothetical team." Vision added.

"Why not? I lost twelve years of my life to Delick. I want to be there when he's given the justice he deserves." Valary protested.

"Delick is most likely expecting you to be there and he won't let you escape again. You can't go and run the risk of getting captured." Steve noted.

"But she can't stay here either. Delick said in the video that he knew where she was." Wanda mentioned.

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