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Valary unlocked the apartment door and slid in as quietly as she could. It was well past twelve o-clock at night and the last thing she wanted to do was wake up Yelena. No one needed a grumpy Russian assassin girlfriend who had just been woken up in the middle of the night. The two had moved in together a few weeks ago after dating for several months since the time Valary had asked Yelena out to dinner. In fact, Valary considered her time with Yelena the happiest she had ever been.

Sleep sounded so appealing as she pulled off her coat. She had just finished doing too much overtime at the local diner where she was a server. Her feet begged her to sit down as she moved further into the dark apartment. But something made her stop dead in her tracks.

The kitchen table was professionally set with plates and covered bowls full of food. There two candles placed perfectly in the center of the table, their gentle light filling the kitchen with a warm glow. Valary stared at the table in confusion. Why was it set for a fancy dinner?

The sound of snoring made Valary jump slightly. She turned around to glance into the livingroom to see Yelena asleep on the couch. Valary's face softened at the sight of the blonde as she moved closer to her. Then the reason for the dinner finally clicked in her head.

"Yelena." she whispered, kneeling down and placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. Yelena's eyes slowly opened and smiled at the sight of her girlfriend.

"How was work?" Yelena's voice was raspy with sleep.

"Oh the usual screaming kids and complaining customers." Valary said with a sarcastic smile. Yelena laughed as she sat up on the couch. Valary pulled herself up and sat down next to her girlfriend.

"What time is it?" Yelena asked, admiring Valary's features. Her eyes landed on the scar that lined the side of her face. She could remember watching when Delick gave it to Valary.

"Almost one." Valary responded with a smile which Yelena returned.

"Happy anniversary, Val." Yelena leaned in closer to Valary.

"Happy anniversary, babe." Valary responded, pulling Yelena into a kiss. It was a different kiss from the one they had shared on the Quinjet during their last mission. This one was full of passion, an intimacy that only the two of them could share. Even after dating for a year, the feeling of Yelena was something that always sent sparks through Valary's body.

Much to Valary's disappointment, the two separated, breathing heavily. Valary bit her lip, savoring the lasting butterflies from the kiss that Yelena always seemed to stir up inside of her.

"I made us dinner." Yelena responded quietly, once again admiring Valary.

"Good because I'm starving. Feel free to take that in whatever context you want." Valary kept looking between Yelena's eyes and lips, which curled up in a laugh.

"Go get changed out of your work clothes. I'll heat up the food." Yelena stood up and went to the kitchen.

Valary did as she was told, changing out of her work clothes and slipping into her pajamas to match Yelena's attire for the evening. She stared at herself in the bedroom mirror, looking over the many scars her body had collected. The worst ones being from the base explosion.

Walking sleepily into the kitchen, she joined Yelena, wrapping her arms around the blonde's waist. Valary watched over Yelena's shoulder as she stirred a steaming pot of something.

"Mac n cheese. How romantic." Valary quipped, placing several kisses on Yelena's neck.

Smiling, Yelena turned around to face Valary and pulled her into another kiss.

"Will you stay?" Yelena asked once they pulled apart.

"Always." Valary said, pulling her love into a tight hug which Yelena gladly returned.

(I have no idea how to write "romantic" scenes. How'd I do?)

(Well...that's a wrap on Project Vita Nova! It's crazy to think I finally wrote this. Also I think this is the first story that I've ever completed? I have a bad habit of starting projects and never finishing them.)

(I haven't decided yet if I'm going to write a sequel to this or if I'll start a new story. Either way, it might be a while since I start another project because I want to take some time to focus on school.)

(I hope you guys enjoyed the book as a whole! Everyone's kind words have been such a blessing. I love reading your comments!)

(And remember, I love you so very much and am so proud of you all. I hope you are having an amazing day/night)

(Anyways, see you guys soon!)

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