Chapter 6

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"Approaching the target now." Sam swooped down from the sky, the wings from his suit spread wide. The night time light kept his flight hidden from any passing people down below him

He circled the targeted building several times. It was a large office building, reaching up to about twenty floors, and surrounded by several shorter buildings. There was no sign of life.

"Sam, tell me what you see." Steve was waiting in a dark room of an adjacent building, staring at the targeted building across from him. He had his shield drawn

"Honestly, I don't see anything. One sec, I'll send in redwing." Sam responded, once again flying high above the building. A section of Sam's suit unattached itself from his back. It dived down towards the building and flew in through an open window.

"Wanda, see anything?" Steve asked, his voice steady as ever.

Wanda was across the street, sitting at a late night coffee shop.

"Nothing yet." She picked up a cup of coffee and gave it a cautious sip.

"Receiving feed now." Sam cut in. "Steve, there's nothing. Are you sure Nat traced the signal back properly?"

"Be glad she isn't here to hear that comment, Sam." Wanda chuckled.

"Let's move in. According to Nat's signal trace, the broadcast originated on the fifteenth floor." Steve put away his shield on his back and began to back up from the window he was at.

Sam swept down and crashed through a window on the fifteenth floor. He landed on his feet, wings folding back into his suit. He drew his two guns, ready for a fight. Redwing returned and was promptly reattached to Sam's back.

Wanda left the cash for her drink at her table and jogged across the street, now at the base of the building that Steve was in.

"Wanda, just like we practiced." Steve stared at the window, now a good twenty feet away from it. He sprinted towards the window, shattering the glass as he jumped. Wanda threw her arms up, hands and eyes glowing red. Encasing the captain in a red glow, she thrust her arms forward, sending Steve flying through another window into the targeted fifteenth floor.

Steve rolled on his back, then jumped up, expecting a fight but meeting none. Sam walked up next to him, still holding his twin guns. Wanda appeared a second later, flying in through the window in her usual red glow.

Brushing off a few pieces of glass, Steve started walking deeper into the room. It was a wide room, with dim gray lighting. Support pillars were scattered everywhere, with a single folding table in the middle of the room.

Approaching the table, Steve notices that there was a closed laptop perched on top of the table. He looks between Sam and Wanda, who both cautiously come up to Steve's side.

"What's that?" Sam asks blandly.

Steve opens the laptop and is met with the same video that sent the team there, but for some reason there's no audio.

"This must be the signal origin." Wanda realizes. At that, a new voice pierces the quiet air.

"Hello, hello, Avengers!"

The trio snap their heads to the laptop screen, to see a new video of Delick.

"I see you found the broadcast origin, but failed to bring my property with you." Delick cocked his head to the side.

"She doesn't belong to you or Hydra. " Steve countered.

"Oh come now captain. The man out of time defending the traitor. You truly are...intriguing. Anyways, seeing that you didn't bring 24 with you, I guess you've chosen to do things the hard way."

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