Chapter 17

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During her twelve years with Delick, he traveled around the states to several Hydra facilities, bringing his science project with him. The facility the Avengers had found Valary at happened to be Delick's main base of operation. The base that Valary, Natasha, and Yelena had been taken to when they were captured had been Delick's main testing ground for the programming. Valary knew those were two places Delick wasn't, because the first place was blown up and the location of the second had been compromised. But the addition of Ellah's ring gave Valary the final piece of the puzzle. Delick was waiting for Valary at the base where Ellah had died. Valary had assumed the ring had been destroyed when Ellah's body was taken away. But the message was clear.

The Quinjet set down about a mile from the targeted location, which happened to be a pile of rubble.

Steve and Natasha were working at a table in the center of the Quinjet's cargo hold. Valary and Yelena were standing nearby, watching the two work. Valary and Yelena hadn't let go of each other's hands, and they had no immediate plans to.

After a moment, a 3D hologram appeared just above the table top. The image was of the pile of rubble that was about a mile off. Natasha and Steve both crossed their arms, staring at the model.

"Valary, are you sure this is the right location?" Natasha asked with a frown.

"Scans indicate that there's nothing here. Just some ruins." Steve said, eyeing Valary with suspicion.

"You need to widen your search radius to scan 50 feet below the surface." Valary stated as if it was obvious.

Steve stood there with a surprised expression as Natasha ran the new scan. After a moment, the 3D model expanded, adding a new section of hologram beneath the rubble. The new section contained a map of complicated tunnels that led to several large rooms.

Valary knew the layout of this base very well due to the fact that she had spent a large portion of her twelve years there. From the map, she was able to easily orient herself to where everything was.

"So, we have a map. Now we just need a plan." Natasha said, observing the new area.

"Valary, is it possible Delick could be holding prisoners?" Steve asked.

"It's possible. I'm not too clear on what Delick's end goal is anymore given the fact that he tried to kill me last time." Valary rubbed her forehead as she spoke. Yelena held her hand a bit tighter at the mention of Valary's latest near death experience.

"We should account for prisoners as a possibility." Natasha stated, looking from Valary to Steve.

"Where would the prisoners be?" Steve asked Valary, looking at the 3D model.

Valary used her free hand to point at a larger room at the end of the map.

"Where do you think Delick would be?" Natasha asked, looking where Valary was pointing to the prisons.

"Well it's hard to say. He could be anywhere in the base. But he'd most likely be here." Valary pointed to another room on the opposite side from the prison. "That's his personal office."

"What about a data center?" Steve asked, an obvious plan forming in his mind.

"Let's see, at this base? Delick kept most of his research here, at the lab." Valary pointed to another room that was nearby the prisons.

"Alright, we'll split up into two teams. Romanoff and Miss Belova will head to the lab. Recover any research and data you can. Then head to the prisons. If anyone is there, get them out. If there isn't anyone, get back to the Quinjet anyways. Valary and I will go after Delick. Both teams will take a bag of explosives. Place the charges on your way to both the lab and prisons. Valary and I will do the same on our way to his office. I'll have the detonator." Steve stated, his eyes moving between everyone in front of him.

It was Valary's turn to grip Yelena's hand a little tighter. She didn't like the idea of separating from Yelena. She knew Yelena was more than capable of taking care of herself, but she didn't like the fact that she wouldn't be there to protect Yelena from Delick.

Natasha had turned off the holographic map and joined Steve in prepping the charges for the mission. Yelena turned to Valary.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. When this is all over, we'll go do something. You know, what normal people do." A smile spread through Yelena's face at the thought of life after the mission was over.

"Sounds like fun. We just both have to survive this first." Valary smiled, looking between Yelena's eyes and lips. She wanted to kiss Yelena again.

"We will. Just don't do anything stupid." Yelena snorted, her Russian accent dancing around her words.

Valary looked at her with a mock shocked expression.

"Me? Stupid? Never." Valary retorted, causing Yelena to laugh.

"Come on lovebirds. Time to move out." Natasha called, walking down the exit ramp after Steve with two bags in hand.

Valary felt her face go hot at the comment as she reluctantly let go of Yelena's hand to follow Natasha.

When they stared after the location, Steve and Natasha gave both Valary and Yelena a backpack full of small explosives. After several minutes of walking, they reached the ruins that crowned the underground base. Steve and Natasha had given Valary and Yelena each a bag full of charges.

"What happened to this place?" Yelena asked in a quiet awe.

"It was bombed when Hydra came." Valary responded with a dark air.

"How do you know?" Steve was surveying the area around him, trying to find an entrance to the hidden base.

"Because I was here when it happened. I grew up here." Valary responded, staring at the crumbling wall that still had a visible Shield logo painted on the cement.

Natasha and Yelena stared at her at what she had said. Steve had found an access hatch which he pried open. Steve and Natasha jumped down the hatch, their landing echoing slightly. Yelena quickly followed suit, leaving Valary alone in the rubble of her old home. She glanced around once more.

"Welcome home." Valary whispered to herself before she jumped down the hatch into the Hydra base. 

(Apologies again for the shorter chapter. I've been struggling with writers block so this was the best I could do. But we're entering the final act!)

(Hope you guys have been enjoying this story because it's reached over 700 reads. It's insane! I'm so incredible grateful to you guys!)

(I hope you people are having an amazing day and just remember I love you all.)

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