Chapter 2

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"Doctor, we have lost over a third of our subjects, each test being a failure. Our sponsors request an update. We can not simply tell them how terrible the results have been so far."

"I understand that we are failing, I was there! But we must have patience. This kind of project requires many trials. According to Dr. Zola..."

"Zola is not the answer! He is a ghost now, nothing else. Delick, produce some concrete evidence that this project is not a waste of money and my time and I will keep my mouth shut about your constant failure."

Suddenly, a blinding light shot up out to the side, followed by a painful scream. The light died down, but the screaming turned to pleas for help. The two voices rushed over and stood there, admiring the sight.

"There you have it, Dr. Anar. Your proof."

"Keep up the progress Delick. Your Project Vita Nova might just stay afloat."

The pleas for help turned once again into screams of pain as the blinding light returned.

Valary woke with a start, out of breath. She looked around, disoriented for a moment with her surroundings. Then she felt the packet of food in her hand and remembered.

It's was just a memory. I'm no longer there, I was rescued. Valary thought to herself, rubbing her forehead.

She looked up at the cockpit and saw that Natasha was now piloting. Steve was sound asleep in a seat close by to Valary. She stared at him for a moment. He was so large and muscular that he made Valary look like a malnourished child.

Hesitating slightly, she stood up slowly, remembering how hard it was to walk to the Avenger's superjet. But she found her strength was coming back a little. It was no longer an effort just to keep her balance.

Huh...I guess I was hungry.

Valary quietly walked over to the cockpit, seeing the co-pilot seat was empty.

"Couldn't sleep?" Natasha asked in a horse voice.

"No." Valary responded.

"Have a seat. I could use some company."

Valary hesitated. "Are you sure it's ok?"

"I'm sure." Natasha's voice was reassuring.

Valary quietly slid into the co-pilot seat, sitting cross-legged, still clutching the packet of fruit in her hand. There was a moment of silence as Valary surveyed the night time sky they were flying through. It was scattered with stars, with a full moon placed beautifully in the center of it all. The scene felt like it was out of a movie.

"You like the view?" Natasha asked, glancing at Valary, who nodded excitedly in response.

"It's been a long time since I've seen stars." Valary paused a moment before continuing, "I remember being obsessed with astronomy as a kid."

"You have a family?" Natasha asks, trying to make conversation.

"Well, I used to. My parents were killed by Hydra when I was taken." Valary responds, fidgeting with the fabric of her jumpsuit.

"What did your parents do?"

"They were scientists for Shield." Valary responds, nonchalantly.

Natasha looks at Valary with a surprised expression. Valary doesn't meet her gaze. 

"Your parents worked for Shield?" Natasha seemed shocked  at the sudden information.

"Mhmm. I don't exactly know what they did for Shield. I was only a kid." Valary shifts a little in her seat, trying to get a better view of the night sky.

"Do you know how long you were in the Hydra facility?" Natasha asked seriously.

This question snapped Valary back into reality.

How long has it been?

While being held there, she had no way of telling time. It could have been months, maybe years. Come to think of it, she had no idea of how old she was. She was eleven years old when she was taken to the facility, but that's all she knew.

"I...I have no idea. To tell the truth, I don't even know how old I am." Valary finally answered.

Natasha nodded. "Were you taken by Hydra as a kid?"

"Yeah." Valary replied, memories of her family flashed before her.

"Do you remember how old you were when you were taken?"


"What year was it when you were eleven?"

Valary hesitated again. She couldn't remember. This made her panic a bit.

It could have been decades and I would have no idea.

"I...I don't remember. I'm sorry. My childhood is all a bit...fuzzy." Valary apologized.

"It's ok. We'll figure it all out when we get back to headquarters." Natasha reassured her.

Valary looked at Natasha. She had taken quite a liking to her. She was so calm and seemed to always carry an air of understanding. In fact, Valary had become quite trusting of her three rescuers. She had no idea who these people were, besides their names. They called themselves Avengers, but it only sounded like a band name to Valary. But they had freed her from Delick and Hydra, they had given her food and water and promised to help her. That was more than enough to gain Valary's trust. But if her time with Delick had taught her anything, it was to be careful of who you let affect your life.

Valary stayed in the co-pilot seat until sunrise. She let her mind wander with thoughts of new possibilities now that she was no longer under Delick's thumb. But one fear kept coming back to her: how was Delick going to respond to her disappearance? She knew he was still alive because he wasn't at the facility when it was blown up. Delick wouldn't start over on the project, not now that he's so deep into it. Valary knew that the Hydra sponsors wouldn't give him money to start over and Dr. Anar wouldn't keep Delick alive long enough to start over. No, she knew Delick would come after her. Valary was his one success in Project Vita Nova and Delick wouldn't just let her get away. He would want her back because his life depended on it.

But how was she supposed to stop him? Surely these "Avengers" have other priorities. Plus would they even help her? She was a complete stranger to them and their higher ups. Plus if they ever found out the details of what Delick had created, would they do the same as Delick had done? Would they just stick her in a lab, examine every part of her, and turn her into something she never wanted.

Valary tried shaking her head to clear these thoughts. She had no reason to believe these people would do that to her. They have done nothing but be helpful towards her. But the fear never went away. It lingered in the back of her mind, and she knew it would never leave.

(Hey loves! Apologizes for the shorter chapter. But believe me, it'll get good.)

(Valary is a character that I've had living in my head for so long and I am so excited to finally put her story in writing.)

(While I am already several chapters ahead in writing, do you guys have any requests or fun ideas of what to do with Valary?)

(Also, has anyone told you that you look beautiful on this fine day? Because you really do.)

(Hope you guys are having a fantastic day/night where ever you are!)

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