Chapter 7

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(Trigger Warning: Needles)

"You like your games, Delick." Dr. Anar was sitting behind a desk, holding a tablet and watching the replay of the Avengers and the explosion.

"It's the only way I work." Delick said, standing proudly across from Anar.

"Do you think this will draw 24 out of hiding?" Anar hands the tablet back to Delick.

"I believe it will. She's emotionally invested. Her good nature will want to stop me before I hurt any more of her new 'friends.' If Mr. Fury keeps sending Avengers after us then they all will meet a similar fate."

"Are you sure you can't just track her down and capture her yourself?" Anar pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You don't think I tried that in the first place? It's the easiest solution but it's damn near impossible with the Russian super spy helping her. She's off the grid." Delick said with frustration.

"Delick the longer you take on this game of yours, the more impatient the council becomes. You had better know what you're doing." Anar said, impatiently.

"I do know. Don't worry, everything will go according to plan." Delick reassured him.

"Delick...with you, that rarely happens."


Valary sat there, trying to process the phrase Natasha had just repeated.

We've chosen to do things the hard way? He's making this a game. It's always a game with Delick. If I play his game, it'll end with me back as a lab rat for Hydra. But if I don't humor him, he'll continue to come after me. She felt her throat go dry at the thought of what Delick was doing. He was boxing her in, giving her a clear message that if she doesn't play his game, he will kill the people around her.

"Did Fury give any new orders?" Valary asks after a moment of silence.

"He said to stay put and for us to stay with you while they go after Delick." Natasha responded, sitting back down in her original chair.

"No...he can't do that." Valary shakes her head at Natasha.

"Why not?" Yelena asks, also sitting back down.

"It's me he's after. He wants me to humor him, to play his game." Valary's tone quickly became serious.

"But Val, you can't go back to him." Yelena counters.

"I don't want to go back to him. But if I run away from this, Delick will just continue to chase me, killing anyone who helps me in the process." Valary's voice continued to grow more and more serious.

"So, what are you proposing?" Natasha asks, leaning back in her chair.

Valary had no response. She didn't know what the next step in Delick's game was going to be. Part of her wished she had gone with the team to the broadcast signal. That way her next move would have been more clear.

"I have no idea." Valary finally responded in a quiet voice.

At that, Natasha's face softened.

"Listen, we don't need to figure this out tonight. Get some rest, we can come up with a plan in the morning." Natasha placed a gentle hand on Valary's shoulder.

Valary nodded at the suggestion. She realized she was very tired from the day's emotional events.

Following Natasha's orders, she gets up and quietly goes to her room. She hears Yelena and Natasha begin to converse in Russian as Valary closes her door and turns off the light. She falls into bed, pulling the covers over her head. Her mind was reeling from everything that just happened. Three Avengers were hospitalized because of Delick. He was out for blood, and now Valary was out for his head.

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