Chapter 4

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"Delick, I pray you're not wasting our time." said a thin voice.

"What do you need, Delick? Not more money I hope." teased a deeper voice.

Spencer Delick was sitting inside the helicopter that was previously removing wreckage from the blown up facility. A makeshift audio call had been set up between Delick and his Hydra superiors.

"I have...unfortunate news." Delick stammered.

"Go on?" asked a thickly accented voice.

"Project Vita Nova has gained the attention...of the Avengers. They infiltrated the facility while I was away acquiring a product I needed for the project's continuation. They took the project and destroyed the facility." Delick spoke, trying to keep the nerves out of his voice.

There was a crackle of static as the three superiors processed his news. Finally, one of them spoke.

"Do you believe this project is worth continuing?" asked the thin voice.

"I believe the project is worth capturing. Number 24 was our first real success in Project Vita Nova. Plus, she knows too much. She's going to put Fury and the Avengers on our trail. If I can capture number 24, then I can help keep the Avengers off our scent a little longer."

Another pause from the three superiors.

"We...will approve this. Capture number 24 and finish the project. But if any more complications arise, Project Vita Nova will be shut down and number 24 will be terminated."


Several days passed since Valary had been rescued from Hydra. She had been allowed to move into one of the empty bed rooms at the Avengers compound. Natasha had introduced her to the rest of the Avengers, like Clint, Peter, Vision, Bruce, and Tony. After a day or two of hanging around them, Valary had become quick friends with Peter. He was the one to ask the least questions about her time in the Hydra facility and when he did, he was always very polite about it.

Four days after her rescue, she was sitting in the lounge area playing Mario Kart, totally beating Peter. Natasha walked into the room and stood behind Valary, watching her and Peter play. Natasha fingered a paper folder she was holding.

"Valary, I need to talk to you real quick." Natasha said once the duo's game had finished.

Valary hands Peter the controller and jumps up, following Natasha out into the hallway.

"I did a little digging in Shield's files and found this." Natasha says, handing Valary the thin file.

Valary takes it and slowly opens it. Her face hardens at the sight of the papers inside. She picks out a photo of two older people, with a younger Valary in the middle.

"It's me, and my parents...I remember taking this photo."

"According to that file, you were born in 1995, taken in 2006. Meaning you were with Hydra for twelve years. So that would make you-"

"23 years old." Valary interrupted.

Valary stood there, trying to process the information she was reading.

"Valary Rose Ryans; born 1995; Father, Matthew Ryans, Shield Scientist; Mother, Andrea Ryans, Shield Scientist; Parents deceased, March 17th, 2006; Valary went missing on March 17th, 2006; presumed dead..." Presumed dead? I'm not dead, Valary thought to herself.

There were other papers there that went more in depth about her parents and their past with Shield. There was even stuff on Delick in there, talking in detail about his history with Hydra and illegal human experimentation.

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