Chapter 16

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Yelena's appearance at Valary's side brought her back to reality. Valary noticed that Yelena had changed into a white combat suit with a black vest. She was obviously expecting some sort of fight from Delick and his goons.

Yelena had taken the empty seat next to her, her green eyes seemed to be memorizing every feature of Valary's face. Valary met her eyes and stared into them, but for ever so briefly, her eyes flickered down to Yelena's lips. They looked so soft and full.

Biting her bottom lip, Valary looked away, back down at the ring on her finger. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a small smile spread through Yelena's face.

"You good?" Yelena asked in a quiet voice.

Valary nodded, her thoughts running back to her emotions that she couldn't keep straight.

"Val, I can tell that you're not alright." Yelena's ability to state the obvious was truly fascinating.

Valary began to wonder if maybe she should talk to Yelena about the feelings she got when she was around her. It was becoming more frustrating that she didn't understand herself.

"Yelena, can I ask you something?" Valary looked back at Yelena, instantly meeting her concerned green eyes.

Yelena nodded in response, scooting closer to her.

"When you got out of the Red Room, how did you figure it all out?" Valary asked uncertainty.

"What do you mean, 'it?'" Yelena asked, tilting her head with a slight smile.

"Your...emotions. I mean during the two months I spent with you, I realized I still have the emotional range of an eleven year old. I have all these emotions that I don't understand."

"Well maybe I can help. Can you describe it?" Yelena's face went slightly serious.

"It's different around the others than with you. I care about everyone, but with feels like more." Valary looked away, embarrassment slowly causing her face to turn red. "I don't know what it is. I feel safe around you. You make me the happiest I've ever been in my whole life. Being with you...just feels so right."

Yelena gave a small laugh as she looked down at her hands.

"But you also make me nervous." Valary sighed, looking back at Yelena.

"I make you nervous?" Yelena looked up with a know-it-all smile.

", shut up." Valary laughed, brushing off Yelena. "You know what I mean."

Yelena laughed as she placed a hand on Valary's hand, which sent her heart racing. Valary could feel her face go hotter. She pointed with her free hand at Yelena's hand on her own.

"It's that...when you do that." Valary stammered as she stared at Yelena's green eyes.

"Val, you've got a crush." Yelena teased in a quiet voice. 

Her words didn't process correctly. The phrase Yelena had muttered hung in the air as she felt her brain chew on the words.

"A crush?" Valary hissed.

She had heard her parents talk about how they had met in school and how they each had a crush on each other. When her parents ever talked about crushes and love, Valary's child brain never really grasped the idea. How was it possible to find someone that you would want to spend the rest of your life with? Her mom had compared her husband as her best friend, but with a deeper intimate love. At the time, Valary had no idea how you could love your best friend more. She never knew what "intimate" meant until she met Yelena.

But then the question hit her. Did Yelena feel the same way about her? Valary now understood that she wanted to be more than friends with Yelena. She now understood that she liked Yelena, but she now had no idea if Yelena felt the same way. But Yelena knew how Valary felt about her. She began to panic that since Yelena now knew about her feelings for her, that she would never want to see Valary again. Yelena made Valary feel safe. She considered Yelena her home and without her, she might actually go crazy.

Yelena watched Valary's face as she processed what she had been told. Yelena was sure that the feelings Valary had described was the feeling of a crush. It was a desire for a deeper kind of love. Yelena's heart sighed in relief at the conversation. She had grown to really care for Valary during their two months together. She couldn't keep the excitement contained at the news.

"Val." Yelena whispered, bringing Valary's attention back to her. She could see the slight panic spreading through Valary's face.

"Yelena, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I ruined our friendship. I know you don't feel the same way." Valary started talking way too quickly for herself to process what she was saying.

"Val, stop." Yelena grabbed the girl's face. "It's ok. I feel the same way about you too. It took me a while to figure it out but I feel the same way." Yelena looked from Valary's eyes to her lips. Her heart was racing a mile a minute at the sight of them.

Valary stared at Yelena, thoroughly enjoying the view and the feeling of Yelena's hands on her face.

"You do?" Valary squeaked, still not fully processing what Yelena had said to her. "You feel the same way?" Valary looked at Yelena's lips, wanting nothing more than to kiss her.

Valary could remember her parents kissing when she was a kid. She never understood why people would want to do that with another person. But now she did. Now she understood what it meant by having that special kind of person in her life.

They sat there for a minute, both staring at each other with a secret, burning desire that neither wanted to admit. With Yelena's hands still placed on Valary's face, the two began to slowly lean forward until their lips pressed together in a kiss.

Their lips moved in perfect sync, neither wanting to let go. A smile spread across Valary's face as the two continued their kiss. Valary's hand moved to rest on Yelena's waist as her heart began to beat faster. Their kiss felt like it lasted a lifetime, only separating to breathe.

The duo sat there, smiling at each other, both wanting more. Yelena lowered her hands and rested them on Valary's lap. Valary intertwined her fingers with Yelena's as the two sat there, both visibly happy.

Yelena slid down in her seat, clutching Valary's hand tightly, as she leaned her head on Valary's shoulder. Valary did the same, resting her head on top of Yelena's as the two sat there in content happiness.

Natasha looked back from her seat in the cockpit, smiling at how happy the duo looked.

(Awww Valary has a crush. Could you tell that I'm enjoying my little fantasy where my crush likes me back?)

(So sad that the story will be wrapping up soon but I hope you guys liked this chapter.)

(I hope you lovely people are having an amazing day or night where ever you and just remember, yall are freaking fantastic.)

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