Chapter 12

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The first time Valary came to, she was lying down in the back of some sort of transport vehicle. It was dimly lit with the strong smell of sweat and blood.

As she tried to look around, her eyes couldn't focus on anything. Nothing made sense. Then she noticed someone was right next to her, cold hands placed on her stomach. She couldn't make out the face, but saw the distinction of blonde hair, pulled back into a high ponytail.


A voice was shouting from behind Valary. It was Natasha. She couldn't register what was being said.

Pain suddenly flared up from Valary's stomach as Yelena had poured a cold liquid over her wound. Valary couldn't help but groan in pain.

The transport the trio were driving in ran over something, causing the whole vehicle to sway. This sent more ripples of pain through Valary, who groaned even louder. Natasha yelled something that Valary didn't catch.

"Yelena..." Valary tried to say, but it was nothing more than a whisper.

Yelena looked ay Valary's face and saw that she was somewhat conscious. She placed a soothing hand on Valary's forehead as she tried to calm the girl in pain.

"Nat, she's getting cold. I don't know if-" Yelena yelled toward Natasha.

"She's going to make it." Natasha cut her sister off.

Overcome with pain and the remembrance of what caused the injury, Valary fell unconscious once again.


Valary's eyes opened slowly, her head throbbing and her abdomen flared up in pain. Sunlight was seeping in through a nearby window, casting a yellow hue to the room.

Trying to look around, she saw she was lying in bed, the covers pulled up to her chin. She was back in the apartment that Natasha and herself had met Yelena at.

She tried to sit up, wanting to go look for Yelena, worried that something had happened. Pain shot through her as she tried to move. Groaning loudly at the effort, she took in a deep breath, continuing to try and get up.

Footsteps echoed loudly outside the door as someone appeared in the doorway. They rushed forward, gently grabbing Valary by the arm.

"Hey, I need you to lay back down." came the familiar voice.

Slowly registering what she had been ordered, she let herself be pushed back down into bed.

"Yelena..." Valary's voice was painfully dry as she tried to talk. She looked at the blonde. Her hair had been hastily put up, with several strands falling across her face. Her green eyes were focused on puting Valary back into bed. She threw the covers back over the injured girl, pulling the blanket back up to her chin.

"You need to lay still. You don't want to reopen your wound." Yelena ordered, standing up straight.

"Yes, ma'am." Valary said with her usual mischievous smile.

"How do you feel?" Yelena crossed her arms, returning the smile.

"How do I look?" Valary retorted.

"Like shit." Yelena's smile widened at her own sarcasm.

Valary eyed Yelena. She had a bandage over the bridge of her nose and several small cuts scattered across her face. The memory of what happened slowly came back. Delick activating her programming, the fight, her being stabbed. Then she remembered she had hit Yelena. Valary's smile dropped suddenly.

"Oh my god...Yelena I hit you. I'm so sorry..." Valary whispered. She could feel her eyes begin to water at the memory as she tried to sit up.

"No, it's ok. I know you had no choice. Delick made you fight." Yelena's voice turned to a soothing tone, not wanting to watch Valary cry. She hated seeing Valary in pain.

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