Chapter 18

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The four split up into their assigned teams of two. Valary had given Yelena's hand one last squeeze before they went their separate ways. Something wasn't sitting right with Valary about this mission, but she didn't say anything. She didn't want to make Yelena worry.

Valary followed loosely behind Steve, both had a bag of explosives strapped to their backs. They walked in silence as they focused on the task at hand. Occasionally they would stop to place a charge for the final part of the plan. Valary eyed the detonator that was sticking out of one of Steve's pockets. She was tempted to take it and find some way to ditch Steve to finish the mission on her own, but she knew she couldn't take Delick down alone.

After a while, Valary began to get nervous that this wasn't the right location due to the lack of Hydra soldiers present. But the two came to a stop behind another turn of a corridor. There were voices down there. Valary mentally sighed in relief. The base was at least inhabited.

Valary touched her metal bracelet, turning into the same metal. Suddenly Steve turned to her and motioned for her to stay put and keep quiet. She nodded with disappointment as she turned back into flesh, not exactly wanting to follow his orders. It was obvious Steve still didn't quite trust her in a fight given the reality of her programming. She had tried to explain to Fury and Steve that it couldn't be reactivated without being reinjected with the programming serum. But that still didn't seem to cut it for the captain or the director.

Steve turned around, drawing his shield as he sprinted towards the voices. Valary stuck her head around the corner to watch as the captain slammed into one of the guards. Two other guards turned around at the sound of the one guard hitting the wall and falling to the floor. Steve recoiled, punching one in the chest, sending him flying. The one remaining guard threw a punch, which the captain blocked with his shield. There was a sickening crunch as the guard's fist collided with the vibranium. He cried out in pain as he held his wrist briefly before Steve whirled around, nailing the guard in the head as he crumpled to the ground.

Eyeing the destruction around Steve, Valary walked up to him as he took another charge from his bag. He placed it on the wall, just above a knocked out guard.

"Place one a few feet down." Steve said, pointing down the corridor. Valary did as she was told, walking down the corridor a few feet and taking her bag of explosives off her shoulders. She opened it and dug out a charge. It was a large metal disk with a small keypad and a tiny screen in the center. She placed it gently on the wall and typed in a series of buttons. The charge beeped several times, then the screen read "remote."

"Charge set." Valary stated as Steve turned to continue down the corridor.

As she chased after Steve, her thoughts went back to Yelena. She began to wonder if they had run into any resistance from Hydra. A warm, fuzzy feeling flooded through her as she thought of the kiss she and Yelena had shared. She smiled at the thought of it, at how safe and happy the blonde made her feel.

"Natasha, we've encountered some Hydra soldiers. Keep your eyes open." Steve held his hand up to his ear so he could communicate to the other team over comms. Valary could hear Natasha in her ear as she responded.

"Copy." Natasha's voice was her usual business voice.

Natasha and Yelena had just finished setting a pair of charges and were quietly moving towards the lab. Their bags of charges rattled slightly as they walked down the corridor. The two sisters stayed quiet most for of the way.

"So, you and Val seem to be getting along very well." Natasha said finally, a small smile spreading across her face.

"We're doing this right now?" Yelena could feel her face turn red at the mention of Valary.

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