Chapter 24

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Finally getting Valary to calm down, a nurse reconnected the IV and several wires that she had managed to rip off. The nurse then fixed the bandages that Valary had also tried to rip off, giving her a lecture about staying still due to "internal damage." After that, Natasha and Yelena were left alone with a still slightly disoriented Valary.

"Where's Delick?" Valary asked as soon as the nurse left.

"He died when you blew up the base." Natasha admitted, exchanging a nervous glance with Yelena.

"Are you sure?" Valary asked in a whisper, keeping her eyes locked on her hands.

"Yeah. He's gone, Val." Natasha confirmed.

Valary sighed in relief. It felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders. The words that the redhead had muttered were more freeing than the two sisters realized. Delick, the monster that had done so much to Valary and the people she loved, the nightmare that would forever haunt her mind, was gone. That was the end of it. It was the end of the terror that was caused everywhere he went.

"Is someone gonna explain how I survived the base blowing up?" Valary asked with a new air of sarcasm.

"Your powers protected you. They kept you alive." Yelena responded, locking eyes with Valary.

Valary gave a small smile and nodded. But then her smile faded. She broke eye contact with Yelena as a new memory flashed before her.

"I know you guys heard about what I did to Ellah. I'm sorry I held that back from you. I just..." Valary drew in a sharp breath, half out of pain from her many injuries, and half out of nerves. "She was my final test. Delick knew how close we were, and that's probably why he kept her alive even after she had failed. He wanted to test me and my programming. Listen, I understand if you guys don't trust me anymore. To be honest, I don't even trust myself." Her voice trailed off as she spoke.

"Valary, Delick made you do it. We understand better then anyone that you didn't have a choice." Natasha responded in her normal calming manner, the kind a mother would have when talking to their frightened child.

A moment of silence passed before Yelena chimed in.

"I trust you, Val. And I forgive you." Yelena spoke softly as she met Valary's eyes once again.

The guilt that she felt for Ellah's death didn't subside. Her mind kept focusing on the strange dream she'd had before she woke up. Valary believed that her guilt for surviving when Ellah and twenty two other kids didn't, wouldn't go away anytime soon. But Yelena's words were more helpful than the blonde may have known. And at that, she could feel some of the guilt subside, if only temporarily.

Yelena held Valary's hand once again, grateful to see the pain disappear that often wisped behind the girl's eyes. And for the first time in a long while, Valary smiled, a truly happy smile.


Valary could feel the crunch of gravel and dirt as she walked along the path. She gazed wearily at the rows of gravestones that lined both sides of her dedicated walk. Eventually, she broke off the path, weaving her way through the cemetery until she stopped in front of a row of three graves. She jammed her clenched fists into the pocket of her hoodie as she read the first two headstones.

Matthew Ryans, beloved Husband and Father. 1976 - 2006

Andrea Tyler Ryans, beloved Wife and Mother. 1975 - 2006

Valary began to chew on her lip, a nervous habit that Yelena was determined to break. It had been almost two months since the whole ordeal with Delick and she was just now healed enough to go out on her own to pay respects to her parents.

Valary could feel an uncomfortable lump of emotions build up in her heart as she stared at the stones. Then she cleared her throat.

"Hi mom, hi dad. I just wanted to let you know that...I'm alright. I'm all grown up now. I have a future now, and I'm gonna make you guys proud." As she spoke, she could feel tears build in her eyes.

Valary now gazed down at the third gravestone.

Ellah Harrison, beloved daughter and friend.

The sight of Ellah's grave is what broke Valary. Tears began to spill over as she tried to find the right words to say to her old friend.

"Hi Ellah. I miss you. I wanted to tell you that Delick is gone and the project was shut down. I'm free, just like the two of us always talked about. Also, I met someone. She's amazing. You would have liked her." Valary swallowed as she tried to go on. "I'll never forget you, Ellah."

Valary stood there in a painful silence for several minutes as old memories of her parents and Ellah flashed before her mind. Several tears fell from her face at the happy memories. She had never quite forgiven herself for what she did to Ellah, but she doubted that she ever would.

Ellah's final words echoed through Valary's ears.

It's ok. It is. I forgive you.

Somehow, even in the face of death caused by her bestfriend, Ellah had managed to keep her kind heart. Her forgiveness was never forgotten, but the true problem was Valary forgiving herself. 

She began to play with the ring on her index finger. It was the same rose gold ring that had once belonged to Ellah, the same ring that had opened the path to finding Delick. Thanks to Tony finding it in the wreckage of the Hydra base, it had once again found its way to Valary's possession. 

The sound of footsteps made her jump slightly. She looked over to see Yelena walking up to her. She wrapped her arms around Valary's waist as Valary wrapped an arm around Yelena's shoulders, pulling her in closer. The sudden touch of Yelena sent the usual wave of warmth through Valary. But she was happy with it because it was her body's way of saying that she loved the blonde. The two stood there, enjoying each other's embrace as they both looked at the three graves before them.

"You know, they would be so proud to see you now. All three of them." Yelena finally said in a quiet tone. She reached up and brushed away a tear that was rolling down the side of Valary's face.

"I still blame myself for everything. I thought that would fade over time. But I hope someday I'll realize that this is all Delick's fault." Valary's voice cracked slightly under the emotions.

Yelena just hugged the girl tighter in response, not exactly sure of what to say. Eventually, Valary wiped her eyes as she turned to look at Yelena clinging to her.

"You ready?" Valary asked.

Yelena nodded in response as the two let go of each other as they started walking back to the car. Once they reached it and got in, Yelena drove Valary back to the Avenger's Compound where she had been given a temporary residence. When they pulled up and Yelena parked the car, Valary turned to the blonde.

"Would you, maybe, want to get dinner tonight?" Valary smiled as Yelena gave her a very pleased look.

"You wouldn't happen to be asking me out on a date?" Yelena teased, leaning closer to Valary.

"Perhaps." Valary's smile widened at the sarcasm.

"Well then how could I refuse?"

The two had been so engrossed in Valary's recovery from almost being blown up that they hadn't gone out on a proper date yet. They were around each other almost all the time, but neither had asked the other out yet. But the two were excited to mend that.

(Sobbing and crying)

(I apologize that this chapter was so short but it's just the way it turned out.)

(I've got one more post set to publish so keep your eyes peeled for the conclusion to the story!)

(I love you all so very much!)

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