Chapter 9

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Shortly after Natasha's phone call with Fury, the three of them gathered up their things and set off on the road, heading to the remains of the broadcast signal. Natasha figured it would take a day's worth of driving to actually reach the sight. Valary stayed in the front passenger seat for most of the ride due to the fact that she never learned how to drive.

During the first half of the car ride, she mostly sat in silence with Natasha while Yelena sat in the back, trying to sleep.

"I'm sorry for kinda blowing up at you earlier." Valary apologized, turning to look at Natasha.

Natasha had a small smile. "It's ok. I understood where you were coming from with everything."

Valary nodded at the response.

"How did your phone call with Fury go? Like, was he upset at the request?" Valary asked, trying to make conversation.

Natasha hesitated a moment. "It was alright. He was open to letting you take the lead because you do know Delick the best."

Valary hesitated a moment before talking again.

"Do you trust me?" Valary asked suddenly.

Natasha gives Valary a surprised look. "In my line of work, I don't trust anyone."

Valary's curiosity wanted to ask what that meant, and wondered if that meant she even didn't trust her own sister. But then again, she was a spy. Spies apparently don't trust anyone.

Should she trust me? Valary suddenly asked herself. I mean...there are things they don't know...hell not even I would trust myself.

After several hours of Natasha driving, they eventually had to stop for gas and to switch drivers. Yelena started driving during the second half of their trip while Natasha curled up in the backseat and quickly fell asleep.

Valary stared out the window as the city ran by, the sunset light casted an orange hue on their surroundings. Her mind began to plan on things to look for when they reached the site. Obviously look for anything suspicious or out of place. That was a given. But what kind of breadcrumb would Delick leave for her to follow? At that, she had no idea. Maybe since the Avengers had finally left the explosion site, Delick would just now be placing the breadcrumb.

Yelena placed a hand on Valary's thigh, bringing her back to the current moment. Her heart began to race at the sudden touch.

"You alright?" she asked.

Valary nodded. "Yeah...just thinking."

Yelena removed her hand, placing it back on the wheel.

"Can I ask you something?" Yelena asked in a more serious tone.

Valary nodded as she began to panic slightly as questions ran through her mind. Had she done something wrong? Was it about what had happened earlier that morning?

"When we get to the end of this...what's your plan for Delick?" Yelena asked, keeping her gaze forward on the road.

Valary didn't answer. To be honest, she had no idea what her plan was when she reached Delick. She knew what she wanted to do. Delick deserved death in only the most painful way possible. But she had a feeling that her "team" wouldn't exactly be too thrilled with that.

Yelena glanced over at Valary when she didn't respond. Valary met her fierce green eyes and could tell that Yelena already knew.

"You want to kill him, don't you?" Yelena asked, turning her eyes back to the road. Valary looked back out the window as they drove through the countryside.

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