Chapter 15

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"Miss Ryans, I read Romanoff's report and I still don't understand how you can suddenly know where Delick is after two months of fruitless searching." Fury's holographic form shimmered in front of Valary and the two sisters. A holographic version of Steve stood next to Fury.

Natasha had informed Fury and the Avengers about this new development with Valary figuring out where Delick was hidden. This shocking information caused Fury to call an emergency meeting between the three in hiding and several Avengers.

"Mr. Fury, I tried to explain this as best I could." Valary was getting frustrated that her explanation of the ring and what it meant wasn't making sense.

"It's a thin lead, Ryans." Fury interjected.

"How do you know for sure that Delick will be there? That ring could mean anything." Steve asked, crossing his arms.

"Because I know Delick wants me to come looking for him. Just like he wanted me to come back to him during his original broadcast." Valary clenched her fists.

"And last time you went looking for him, Natasha and her sister almost died and we found out the hard way about your programming." Fury states, almost aggressively. 

"Apparently you already knew before we even got captured." Valary snapped, glaring at Fury.

"That's irrelevant given the fact that you should have told us about your programing when you were first rescued." Fury retorted, still keeping his one good eye trained on her.

At that, Valary's gaze dropped. Out of this whole ordeal of Valary getting rescued and their attempts of trying to go after Delick, her decision of not mentioning her programming was her biggest regret. She had a sickening feeling that she'd never quite be forgiven for keeping the secret. But she also knew that she'd never forgive herself for it because as a result, she almost got Natasha and Yelena killed.

She fiddled with the ring on her finger, feeling the rose design that was etched into the metal. Valary had no idea how to convince Fury and the Avengers about her lead on where Delick was.

"I apologize for not telling you about my programming Fury. I do regret it. But you have to believe me about where Delick is." Valary said in a quiet voice. She kept her eyes on the floor, just wanting this whole meeting to be over with.

Fury sighed as he rubbed his forehead, clearly also fed up with the conversation.

"Alright Ryans. Steve and Natasha will look into it. You will stay put and Miss Belova will keep an eye on you." Fury finally gave in.

"Fury, I want to go with them." Valary cut in before he could end the call.

"Of course you do..." Fury whispered, half to himself. "Valary, you are Delick's target. The last thing we should do is send you on a mission to capture Delick."

"The last time you went after him without me, three of your team ended up in the hospital." Valary stood there with a fierce look, her gaze now returning to the one eyed man. "Fury, Delick is the reason I lost twelve years of my life. He killed everyone I considered my family and everyone I ever cared about. If I'm not on this mission then I will just follow the team from behind and deal with him myself."

Fury stood there, eye locked on Valary. Then he gave a slight snort.

"Ok Ryans. You and Miss Belova will accompany Natasha and Steve. But you will do as they say, and remember that I do not trust you. The others would do well to do the same." Fury spat.

"I'll bring the Quinjet to your location. Be ready in a few hours." Steve said in his normal stoic voice.

Fury ended the call, the two shimmering holographic images disappearing.

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