Chapter 11

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Delick took off his lab coat and handed it to one of the guards who had escorted in the two widows. In return, Delick was handed a small black notebook. Valary knew the book was Delick's research. Inside it, he recorded his twelve years of experimentation on super powers.

He began flicking through the pages, looking for something specific. Valary tried to mentally prepare for what was about to happen. Several tears rolled down her cheeks as images of what was about to happen flashed before her eyes. She tried to push them away, trying to keep a happy memory in her mind.

"Val, what's happening?" Yelena hissed.

Valary looked up at Yelena, meeting her green eyes. They were full of concern, a desire to comfort her friend. But all Valary could do was stare, not having the stomach to tell her.

"I'm sorry..." Valary whispered.

"Right...let's do a little recap. Last time this was activated, you followed the orders presented, but with unfortunate side effects afterwards. Let's see what happens when we try to reactivate it." Delick had finally settled on a page. He once again motioned to Tren, who moved forward, pulling out a syringe with a clear liquid. He injected Valary in the neck with whatever it was, just above her inhibitor collar.

After a second, the familiar burning sensation filled her veins, seemingly crawling its way to her brain.

"" Valary cried.

Delcik cleared his throat, and began speaking loudly in Latin.


Valary's body began to twitch slightly.


"No..." Valary whispered, lowering her head and closing her eyes, trying to block out what Delick was saying.

"Scutum..." Delick's grin widened.

Valary fell to the ground, her tied hands tried to cover her ears. Her breathing was heavy and quick. Natasha and Yelena watched as Valary's body continued to shake profusely.

"Delick, stop!" Yelena pleaded, trying to get up but was immediately knocked back down by a guard.


"Stop!" Valary yelled, screaming out in pain. Her insides, her mind felt like they were burning. She could feel her mind being locked in a cage somewhere, and she new it would be impossible to escape.

"Vita nova." Delick stood there, watching expectantly.

Valary continued to writhe on the floor, curled up in a ball, hands still covering her ears. After a moment, her breathing normalized and the twitching stopped as she recomposed herself. She stood up, her tied hands dangling in front of her.

"Ready to receive orders." her voice was devoid of any trace of the real Valary. Her eyes blankly stared at the wall across from her. 

Tren came over and removed the bonds on her wrists. Delick walked over to Valary's side, clapping his hands.

"Well now this ought to be fun!" Delick places his hands on Valary's shoulders, staring across the room at Natasha and Yelena. "24...take care of our company." he whispered in Valary's ears, pressing something on her collar, disabling it. He then walked away and stood next to Tren.

"You think that was a good idea?" Tren asked quietly.

"Well...we will soon find out." Delick sighed.

Valary's eyes stared forward, glaring Natasha and Yelena down. She stood there for a moment, as if processing, or mentally fighting the orders. Valary screamed inside her mind. She tried everything to keep herself from hurting the two people she loved. But something in Valary's mind took over as she bent down, brushing her fingers over the stone ground. With her inhibitor collar disabled, she turned into the same dark stone.

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