Chapter 23

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Yelena didn't realize when she had fallen asleep when they reached the hotel. The two sisters had showered and had intended to only rest for a little while, and then head back to hospital to see Valary. But then after infiltrating a Hydra base and then being up all night, the two were more tired than they originally thought. It wasn't until late afternoon that Natasha woke Yelena up to get around.

The two sisters rattled along in the car Tony had dropped off for them. Natasha was driving while Yelena was curled up in the passenger seat. Yelena was trying to untangle the knot of emotions that had built up in her mind. She was relieved that Valary was alive, but she had done something reckless, which as a result almost killed her. Yelena was almost giddy about the fact that Valary was still in her life, but she couldn't help but feel frustrated with her. Or maybe betrayed? She couldn't stop her mind from wandering to her past experiences with always being alone. It was her biggest fear, to be abandoned, and Valary had almost fulfilled it.

And then there was this whole thing about Valary killing Ellah. Yelena was at a loss about that. She had heard Valary praise Ellah for being such a good friend from her childhood in Shield. Why in the world would Valary kill Ellah? Then the answer to her question dawned on her almost immediately. It was because of Delick and Hydra. It always was. Delick must have ordered Ellah's death through the influence of Valary's programming. It was the only logical solution that Yelena could come up with.

Yelena sighed, rubbing her face. She didn't want to have all these emotions when she saw Valary. As the thought of finally seeing Valary after yesterday's rollercoaster of events filled her head, Yelena began to feel excited at the idea of seeing her smile.

"Do you think she'll be awake when we get there?" Yelena asked while watching the buildings whir by.

"If not, then we'll stay until she does." Natasha glanced over at her sister before looking back at the road. A small smile crept onto Yelena's face at the kindness from her big sister.

They stopped for some food before arriving at the hospital, eventually finding parking somewhere towards the back of the lot. The two reentered the familiar waiting room and approached the front desk. They signed in and were escorted back to Valary's room by a nurse who seemed very interested in the clipboard she was carrying. After turning down several hallways, they eventually stopped before a specific closed door. The nurse turned to Yelena and Natasha, looking up from her board.

"I have to inform you that Miss Ryans' injuries were...extensive. She had several severe burns and lacerations that will most likely scar. She also suffered a great deal of internal damage so we'll need to keep her for several days." The nurse began flipping through several papers that were clipped to her board before she opened the door to let the sisters in.

The hospital room was small, but not exactly cramped, with a single bed and several beeping machines next to it. Two chairs had been brought in and placed on either side of the bed. Sleeping soundly, tucked tightly under the covers, was Valary. Parts of her body were wrapped in bandages and several wires were connected to her at various places.

"I'll leave you two here. The doctor will be here shortly." the nurse stated as she closed the door behind Natasha and Yelena.

Yelena was the first to move, pulling out the chair on Valary's right. She sat down slowly, eyeing the girl. Her skin was pale and her breaths were shallow, but her face seemed to be at peace.

"I wonder how that got her to turn back to flesh." Natasha asked aloud. Yelena remembered the bloody, half metal and half flesh sight that Valary was when she was taken from the wreckage. Yelena shook the image from her mind as she reminded herself that Valary wasn't like that anymore. She was safe.

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