Chapter 21

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Delick didn't flinch or show any signs of panic when Valary charged at him. He simply smiled as he flicked another switch on his desk. Electrical shocks shot out of the corners of the ceiling, slamming into Valary, stopping her in her tracks. A wave of nausea flew through Valary as she stumbled to the floor, truing back to flesh. Whatever the electrical shocks were kept her from transforming into a different material. She spread her hands out on the floor as she tried to turn into the same stone, but it only caused a more violent wave of nausea. So she just sat there on her hands and knees as she tried to keep her lunch down.

"See, you had two months to heal and lick your wounds. I had two months to learn how to kill you." Delick walked forward with an evil glare. Valary looked up at him as he spoke. "You wanna know how I figured it out? Separate you from your team, make your team lose their trust in you, then get into your head to make you act recklessly. I knew your friends' good nature would be concerned with the possibility of prisoners. So, I supplied some to distract half your team. I empowered Tren so he could keep the good captain busy while you faced me alone. And I created a way to immobilize you, to keep you from using your powers."

Valary glared at Delick as a new wave of nausea washed over her. He was right, and his plan had worked to perfection.

Suddenly a voice crackled into her ear, which reminded her of her comms device in her ear.

"Nat, Hydra was holding prisoners. I've gotten them back to the Quinjet. I'm on my way back to help Valary." Yelena reported in her ear. The sound of Yelena's voice brought a new kind of calm over her.

"No, get the Quinjet closer to the base. We took care of Tren but Steve needs medical attention." Natasha's voice was tired and rough from the battle against the electrified commander. 

Valary could hear Yelena groan in response to her new orders from her older sister.

"And you want to know something? Your friends heard it all. All of it. They now know you killed Ellah. So, I'd be careful if you do manage to find a way to survive. They probably have lost their trust in you." Delick continued his evil monolog.

They knew. Steve, Natasha, and Yelena now knew her biggest secret, the one thing that haunted her every moment of her life. Guilt raised in her bones at the realization. Ellah had once been considered Valary's safe place, her home. When she died, Valary was certain, if not determined to never feel that way for someone ever again. But then a certain blonde had to come into her life and change that. Valary was very grateful for Yelena. The bond, the love, that the two seemed to share was unbreakable. However, deep down in Valary's mind, the fear had always lingered. She always feared that somehow, someway, Valary would get Yelena killed, just like she had killed Ellah. This fear almost came true during their last encounter with Delick when he ordered Valary to kill Natasha and Yelena. But when that didn't happen, the fear was only strengthened. Valary had no idea what made her fall for Yelena, but it felt nice to have someone in her life that made her feel safe.

A small smile spread across her face as a plan came together in her mind. She began to laugh slightly.

"You should have known that they already didn't trust me." Valary took in a deep breath as she forced herself to stand up, the strange electrical shocks following her movements. "And you made a mistake by trying to get me to act recklessly, because I don't expect to survive this."

Delick's smile faded as Valary rushed forward, punching him across the jaw. Stumbling forward and swallowing her nausea, Valary watched as Delick fell to the ground. She turned to his desk and flicked the switch that Delick had used earlier. The electrical shocks abruptly stopped and Valary could feel her lunch slowly going back down her stomach as her nausea subsided.

"Val, we're at the Quinjet, what's your status?" Natasha's voice called into Valary's ear.

"Get out of here. Get the Quinjet as far away from here as possible." Valary responded, holding a finger up to her ear.

"What? No, we're not leaving you." Yelena protested.

"Yelena please. This is my choice. Please, just get out of here." Valar wiped the sweat from her forehead as she looked down at Delick, who had rolled over on his back, wincing in pain from the punch.

"Val...please, don't leave me." Yelena's voice was quiet and raw. It sent a pang of guilt through Valary's heart. She knew she was hurting Yelena. But in Valary's mind, in her broken logic, she needed to do this, to make atonement for her sins.

"Yelena, it's gonna be ok. I'm gonna be with you forever." Valary whispered in a calm voice.

"Val, please. Please, don't." Yelena begged through Valary's ear.

"Just remember, Yelena. I love you." Valary brushed her fingers over her bracelet and transformed into the same metal. Delick was starting to get back up, but she just pushed him down again with a metallic kick to the stomach. Rage now filled Valary's mind as she began her quest for revenge against Delick for everything he had done.

Delick had slid across the floor from the force of her kick, slamming into one the dentist-like chairs that lined the entire room.

"You killed my family, destroyed my home, and killed 22 innocent lives. You turned me into a monster, only to have me kill my best friend. You don't deserve the mercy of prison. You're too dangerous to be kept alive." Valary spat as she walked forward.

"We've both done things to make the devil proud." Delick said with a twisted smile. Blood glistened off his perfect white teeth. He was on his hands and knees, trying to get up from the metal kick to the stomach.

Valary grabbed Delick by the collar of his shirt and yanked him up, pulling him into a headlock with one metal arm. She pulled out the remaining explosive disk and held in with the same arm that was locking Delick in place. She then took out the detonator and hovered her finger over the single button, the one that would end the mission.

"Then I'll see you in hell." Valary hissed as she detonated the charges, blowing up the entire base in a fireworks display.

She could feel herself flying, floating through the air in her last fleeting moments before she plunged in a darkness that seemed to last forever. Her mind went to a new emotion, one that hadn't been felt truly in a long time. Peace. She felt peace in knowing that Delick was gone and that Hydra had been dealt a major blow. She felt peace in knowing she had avenged everyone that Delick had ever hurt. And she finally felt peace in knowing that Yelena would be safe from the nightmares that Delick caused wherever he went.

(Well she blew up. Also I know I said only one chapter today but you're getting another one. What are you gonna do about it?)

(This is by no means the end of the story tho! I still got more chapters to write!)

(I hope you peeps enjoyed the chapter and keep an eye out for the closing chapters.)

(And as always, I love you all and you all are absolutely amazing and fantastic!)

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