Chapter 11:

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'I prefer this one.' A deep voice says.

I see a figure standing behind me in the mirror. I turn around and see Adriano leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

'What are you doing here!' I yell. I grab one of my black stilettos and throw it at him. He catches it effortlessly.

'Calm down pazza, I just want to talk.' He shrugs.

'You could've waited until school tomorrow.' I snap.

'It's important.' He says. 'You're coming with me to the family gathering.'  He inspects the bottom of my shoe.

'You have Diana, you don't need me.' I reply crossing my arms.

'I want you to come with me.' he says.

'Eres un pendejo' I laugh. He clenches his jaw.

Translation: You are an asshole.

'How are you going to make out with a girl, act like you want to fuck her and then move on and ask another girl to be your date?' I ask.

'Diana's been desperate for my attention since junior year.' He explains. 'I didn't have to do much to get her to kiss me.'

'How come I've caught your attention if so many girls have to work for it?' I ask.

'As I've said before Piccola,' he pauses. 'You're...interesting.'

Translation: Babe

I frown. 'I'll take that as a compliment.' I say.

'Where are you going looking like that?' He tilts his head. His eyes trail up my legs and linger on my cleavage.

'I have a date.' I say.

'With who?' He asks.

'Last time I checked that was none of your business.' I snap.

'Dilara I'm back!' Mimi yells up the stairs. Shit, how is she already back?

Adriano smirks.

'Stay put.' I mutter as I push past him.

'Hey, girl.' Mimi says as I walk down the stairs. 'Woah you look hot.'

'Thanks.' I reply. 'How's Alex?' I ask.

'We got into an argument.' She rolls her eyes.

'Again' I say sighing.

'Yeah but-' She pauses and her eyes travel behind me. 'Who's this?' She asks.

'I'm Adriano,' Adriano says. He puts his hands on my waist and moves me out of the way. I glare at the back of his head as he walks down the stairs.

'Oh, Dilara's told me about you.' Mimi says. 'I'm Mimi.'

'Oh really?' Adriano asks. 'What has she said about me.'

'Nothing good.' I snap. I walk down the stairs and stand next to Adriano.

'He was just leaving.' I say pushing him towards the door. I open it up.

'Come on pazza.' he says. I push him through the door.

'Goodbye pendejo.' I snap. I slam the door in his face.

'Please don't tell me I interrupted you guys having sex.' Mimi says. 'I'll never be able to forgive myself.'

'You didn't interrupt anything.' I say rolling my eyes. 'But I do have a date tonight that I need to get read for.'

'With who?!' She exclaims.

'Raphael, the guy I met at the party.' I say.

'Hopefully, you'll get some action tonight.' She winks. I laugh, shaking my head.

'When is he picking you up?' She asks.

'Seven-thirty.' I reply.

'Go get ready!' She exclaims pushing me up the stairs.

I laugh as I run up the stairs.


'Dilara your Boyfriend's here!' Mimi yells up the stairs. I put on my red stilettos and grab my phone and purse.

I run down the stairs and adjust my hair in the mirror hanging on the wall of the corridor.

'Here keep these just in case.' Mimi says sliding a pack of condoms into my hand.

'Mimi!' I exclaim.

'As much as I would love to have mini Dilara's running around the house, neither of us are mentally stable enough for that right now.' She says. 'So put these in your purse.'

I roll my eyes and put them into my purse. Raphael knocks on the door.

'Go have fun, and tell me all the details.' she says. I quickly hug her goodbye and open the door.

Raphael is standing there in a black suit. His brown hair is tied out of his face and he's holding a bouquet of roses.

'You look beautiful.' he says, handing me the roses.

'Thank you.' I say. I hand Mimi the roses.

'Have fun!' She exclaims. She closes the door behind us as we walk to his car. I get into his sleek black car.

'Where are we going?' I ask.

'It's a surprise.' He smiles. He starts the car and drives off.

After a while, the car slows down. I look out of the window and see that we're parked outside Belissime.

'We're eating here?' I ask.

'Yeah, is there a problem?' He asks.

'Nope, not at all.' I reply. I just hope the Giovanni's aren't here today.

Raphael gets out of the car and opens the door for me. We walk in and wait to be seated.

'Hello, welcome to Belissime, how can I help?' I look up at the waitress and see Zoya.

'Table for two please.' Raphael says. Zoya looks from Raphael to me and then back again.

'Sure, let me see if we have any available.' She awkwardly smiles at us.

She walks away and I see her talking to another waiter.

'Follow me please.' She says.

We follow Zoya into the restaurant, it's very busy tonight. She leads us to a table in the middle of the restaurant.

'Let us know when you need anything.' she says.

Raphael pulls out my chair and I sit down, he sits down opposite me. I hope to god that Zoya's the only one working tonight.

We pick up the menus in front of us and look at what there is to order.

I look up from my menu and look past Raphael.

Shit. Fuck. Why tonight?

Adriano is serving the table in front of us and his eyes are on me. He writes down their order, his eyes never leaving me. He tightens his grip on his notepad.

'Ready to order?' A voice says. I look to my left and see Terzo with a mischievous grin on his face.

'Could I have...' I squeak. I rub my neck and clear my throat.

'Are you ok?' Terzo asks tilting his head.

'I'm fine.' I say through gritted teeth.

'I'll have the spaghetti with some sparkling water.' I say.

'I'll have some lasagna with red wine.' Raphael says. Terzo writes it down and walks off, not before giving me a tiny wink.


Sorry for taking so long to update, I've been busy revising for my exams.

Have a nice day!

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