Chapter 59:

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I carry a plate of drinks and place it on the table of the living room.

Amira carried up some spare mattresses, helped by Lorenzo.

Zoya and Xuan brought up pillows and blankets while Alessandro found the games.

Terzo ordered us some pizzas and Mimi and I made nachos.

It's funny that I've never seen everyone in their pyjamas. They look so comfortable and relaxed.

Which is false. They're probably strapped with guns and knives.

'Want some?' I ask, giving the bowl of nachos to Matteo.

'Yes please.' He says.

His eyes are puffy and mine. At least him and I are in the same boat.

Xuan signals me to sit on the mattress next to him. I go and join him.

'Ok let's start.' Alessandro says, while shuffling the UNO cards.

He gives us all eight cards each and puts one down from the pile.

We go clockwise from him so Terzo is next, than Alora then Zoya then me then Xuan then Amira then Matteo and Lorenzo and lastly Mimi.

I look down at my cards and I have three block cards, two plus fours, and the rest are blue and red numbers.

Zoya puts down a red zero and I put down a red block.

Xuan glares at me. We skip his go and it goes to Amira.

Amira puts down a red nine and Matteo puts down a plus four.

'That's mean,' Lorenzo says as he picks up four new cards.

We keep on going around and I end up giving Xuan a plus four. He puts down a plus four meaning I have to pick up eight. I put down another one and he has to pick up twelve cards.

'A games a game,' I laugh.

'This is why I never play UNO.' He grumbles.

I pick up a slice of pizza and eat it.

We keep on going around, loosing track of time when Matteo says UNO.

He has one card left.

'Everyone's gonna be after you.' Mimi laughs.

She puts down a blue reverse card meaning it's Lorenzo's turn.

Lorenzo puts down a blue plus two. Luckily Matteo's last card is a red plus two, unluckily Lorenzo puts down two more plus twos and says UNO.

He's won.

Matteo's mouth is hung open as he picks up six new cards.

'Play the game, or the game plays you.' He laughs.

'Not fair.' Amira says. 'I should've won.'

'I think I deserve to win,' Terzo says.

Zoya puts her cards down and crosses her arms.

'This is going to get boring now,' she says. 'How about we tell scary stories.'

'Yes!' Alora exclaims.

I collect up all the cards and we move the snacks and food to the centre of the table.

'Who wants to go first?' She asks.

'Me,' I reply, I smirk at Mimi. 'You probably know this one already.'

'Is It the dorm one?' She asks and I nod in reply.

'Ok so basically, I was asleep in my dorm ontop of my bunk bed, and I looked at my door which was open a crack.' I explain. 'I see this black figure wearing a white veil that illuminates the corridor and it walks towards my room.'

'Shit,' Terzo says.

'That's not all, it was calling my name.' I shiver. 'With every step it would just say Dilara.....Dilara, in like a really deep, raspy, scary voice.'

'And what happened next?' Alora asks.

'I try to move around but I felt like I was chained to my bed,' I continue. 'Luckily my phone was next to me so I pressed record and feel asleep, but when I woke up and played back the recording there was nothing there.'

'What do you mean?' Xuan asks.

'It was dead silent.' I say, turning to him.

'When she told me about this I burst out laughing,' Mimi adds.

'Our friends said they were pranking me.' I roll my eyes. 'But I swear to God that entire school was haunted.'

Amira shivers and Lorenzo smiles at her.

'Ya Allah, let all evil stay away from us,' she prays.

'Amen sister,' Zoya says.

'That's too scary for my liking,' Alora laughs. 'Anyone else?'

'Me,' Amira says. 'This was after my mum died and my dad put me into foster care and made me pay all his debt back.' She explains.

'I was sleeping in the foster home and the teenagers shared a room with five other people.' She explains. 'We each had a shelf with our things on it.'

I look at Lorenzo and see him listening to her every word intensely.

'One night I woke up and looked over at the one of the kids shelves, and there was something moving on it.' She says. 'It had horn like things on its head and was making chittering noises.'

'I ain't messing around with shit like that,' Terzo says.

'I turned around trying to get back to sleep and in the morning something hard hit my back and woke me up.' She continues. 'I thought it was one of the kids but the entire room was empty.'

Everyone is shocked into silence after that. Matteo looks mortified.

'I think that's enough stories for tonight,' Mimi laughs awkwardly. 'We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow and should all get some sleep.'

Everyone agrees with her and we start getting our places ready.

Mimi takes a couch for herself and Alessandro puts a mattress right next to her couch for him to sleep on. He makes sure that she's comfortable and covered before getting himself ready.

Lorenzo was going to take the other couch but gives it to Amira.

'I don't want you to be uncomfortable,' I hear him say.

He takes a mattress next to her.

Alora gets herself ready and so does Matteo.

Zoya and Terzo got lucky and share one of the wider mattresses.

There's one mattress left.

'Take it,' Xuan says.

'Are you sure?' I ask.

'Yeah, don't worry about me I need to go smoke anyways.' He shrugs.

I plump up my pillows and lay my head down. This night was a good distraction for all of us. Especially Matteo and I.

I feel like we've taken this news the hardest, and tomorrow is going to be harder. Tomorrow is his funeral.

I take a deep breath and try not to focus on it too much. I don't want to have another panic attack and scare everyone.

I soon doze off, letting my dreams consume me.

I feel like this chapter was more of a calming one after everything that has happened over the last week for them.
Have a nice day!

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