Chapter 102:

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I turn to Alessandro whose now glaring at me.

'Me, you, kitchen now.' He grabs my arm, dragging me to the kitchen.

We hear Mimi go upstairs.

'Dilara would you care to explain why the fuck the leader of The Ravens was in your living room.' He snaps.

'He's a friend.' I manage to say.

Alessandro laughs dryly.

'If Adriano were to find out-' he starts.

'I couldn't give two shits what he would do.' I snap, cutting him off. 'This is my life and this is my house.'

'You know he's probably using you for information.' He says.

'Information on what?' I ask. 'I don't go to mafia meetings anymore, I barely speak to any of you guys.'

'You're being stupid.' Alessandro says.

'No, I'm not stupid, I'm being careful.' I reply.

'Why?' He asks. 'Why him?'

'You know, you were never this nosey when Adriano slept with another girl.' I snap. 'Or when he brought Fouzia home.'

'Believe me, I've given him a lot of shit for it.' He replies tonelessly. 'Now answer my question.'

'Why was Christianto in your living room?' He asks.

I stay silent.

'Dilara why was The Leader here!' He yells, making me flinch at his sudden outburst.

'Shout at me again and I'll rip out your tongue.' I snap.

'I'm sorry, but the only reasonable thing to think is that you're betraying us.' He says.

'You think I would betray you guys?' I laugh.

Alessandro starts laughing.

'Yeah you're right it's stupid.' He says shaking his head.

'Christianto and I are just friends, I bumped into him after Adriano slept with another girl.' I say.

I'm not lying completely, maybe a half lie but that's all. I'm not ready to tell anyone about Dominico or me as the heir of the mafia and Christianto and I are really friends. At least that's what I think.

'And I know when someone is using me for information,' I roll my eyes.

'Good, you're not as stupid as you look,' he says patting my head.

I elbow him in the gut and he doubles over. He stands up, rubbing his stomach.

'Is it ok that Mimi is coming to live with me?' He asks.

'Yeah it's fine,' I reply.

'Are you sure, you know you can come too.' He says. 'I don't care what Adriano or Vittoria say you're basically my sister.'

'I would rather not.' I sigh. 'It's better if I don't.'

'Oh,' he replies. 'Well Mimi's packing her things now.'

'Let me go give her a gift before she leaves.' I say, hurrying up the stairs.

I go to my room and grab her bag.

'Mimi I have a gift for you,' I say, walking into her room and finding her packing her suitcases.

'What is it?' She asks.

I pass her the bag and she takes out the shoe box and opens it up.

'No way,' she gasps. 'You got me the Saint Laurent heels.'

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