Chapter 13:

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I walk past a bunch of waiters and push past Adriano.

'Hey, pazza where are you going?!' He yells. I flip him off without looking at him.

'Vete al infierno!' I yell.

Translation: Go to hell

I grab my purse from my seat and walk out of the restaurant. At least Raphael had the decency to pay for the meal.

I start walking down the road and I wrap my arms around myself, muttering curses at Adriano. My feet start hurting me so I take off my stilettos.

I continue walking down the road, I look through my phone and call Mimi. She doesn't answer so I call her three more times. No answer. She's probably passed out drunk on the couch. A car engine revs next to me.

'Pazza get in the car.' Adriano says, driving next to me. I ignore him and continue walking, no fucking way am I getting into his car. He continues driving next to me.

'Let me take you home.' He sighs. I scroll through my phone, not looking for anything in particular just trying to make myself look busy.

I look up and take my chance, I walk down a dark alleyway, hoping to lose Adriano.

'You're going to get yourself killed!' He yells after me. I ignore him and continue walking. The noise of the street fades away, and the sound of my feet hitting the wet floor echoes.

'Hey, sweetheart!' A man yells. I don't look up from my phone, hopefully he'll leave. I sense someone starting to walk next to me.

'Are you deaf?' The man asks. He tugs my arm, drawing my attention from my phone to him. I start backing away from him and my back hits another man.


I turn around and start backing away from them, more men emerge from the shadows. I'm surrounded by eight men.

'Where are you going looking like that?' One of the men asks. He has a huge tattoo on his face and is holding a metal pole.

Fucking hell.

I turn my phone off and tuck it into my bra.

'C'mon guys, eight of you against poor little me?' I ask. They all have sinister smiles on their face. I look down at my stilettos and snap off the sharp heel of each of them.

'Bring it on.' I mumble. A man lunges for me and I dodge. He fumbles before balancing on his feet again. I swing my arm back and stab him in the chest with the sharp heel. He exclaims in pain.

The man with the tattoo swings the metal pole at me and brings it down on my shoulder. My left arm hangs loosely. As I try and crawl away from him, he takes a knife and slices my thigh.

'Fuck!' I exclaim. I look down at the blood flowing out of my thigh. I look at my left arm. It's dislocated. I take a deep breath and put it back into it's place. I rip a piece of fabric off my dress and wrap it around my thigh.

I use my hand and dig one of the heels into his eye, piercing it. Blood flows down his face. He stumbles backwards, cupping his eye.

'You little bitch!' The man yells.

I feel someone grab my hair from behind me. The man pulls my head back and I see him holding a gun. He hits me with the bottom of it and I fall to the ground. The man cocks his gun, getting ready to shoot me.

I'm going to die here in a disgusting, dirty alley. At least I'm in a cute dress.

He points his gun at me and gunshots echo throughout the alley. The man's body falls to the floor. I slowly stand up and see Adriano, Zoya, Terzo and Alessandro.

Adriano's eyes go to my 'bandaged' thigh and bruised face. Anger fills his eyes as he clentches his fists. He looks like he's going to kill someone.

Zoya runs over and helps me up.

'I was doing just fine by myself.' I say as Adriano walks past me.

'Clearly.' He snaps as he shoots a man running to attack him.

Terzo walks over to the man with the pierced eye and whistles.

'You did this?' He asks.

'Don't look so surprised.' I snarl. Alessandro throws a dagger at me and I catch it.

'Lorenzo told me you were good, but I didn't think you where this good,' Alessandro lets out a low whistle.

'Now's not the time.' Zoya snaps.

'How did you learn to fight like that?' Alessandro asks.

'Out of this whole situation, that's your question?' I raise my eyebrow and roll my eyes.

'Ignore him.' Zoya says.

Zoya's observing my face and I see a man creep up behind her. I push her out the way and slit the man's throat.

'Thanks.' She says. I look at the blood bath around us. There are four more men left standing.

'This is going to be fun.' Zoya smirks. She bends over and pulls up her waitress skirt, taking out a gun strapped to her thigh. Terzo's eyes follow her every move.

'Eyes on the men idiota.' She says to him.

The men charge at us. One of them punches me, and I grab his arm just before it could hit me. I twist his arm behind his back, and push him against the wall. I bring down the hilt of my dagger onto his elbow, hearing a huge crack. He yells in pain.

I dragg him off the wall, with my dagger to his throat pressing it down harder. He throws back his head, hitting it agaisnt my nose. I let go of him, stumbling backwards. Adriano finishes him off and shoots him.

'We make a good team piccola,' He laughs.

Translation: Babe

'Shut up pendejo.' I snarl.

Zoya and Terzo are back to back, fighting off two men. Zoya lunges and hits the man in the face with the bottom of her gun. She shoots him and the man Terzo was fighting.

I walk towards them and pain shoots up my leg, I look down. I'm loosing too much blood. My vision becomes fuzzy, I shake my head. Black specks start clouding my eyes.

'Dilara?' Zoya asks, as I stumbles sideways. I colapse and feel strong hands wrap around my waist.


Let me just say Dilara was a badass during this chapter, she's a queen. I hope you're enjoying the story.
I made an Instagram account for Dilara and Adriano:

Have a nice day!

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