Chapter 47:

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I yawn and stretch. I kind of slept in since I don't have to go to school today.

I check the time.


I get out of my silk bedsheets and go into the bathroom to freshen up. I decide to wear a white tank top and some sweatpants. I put my hair into a loose ponytail after brushing it.

I get out of my room and make my way downstairs. I walk past a maid and we give each other a little smile .

When I enter the kitchen I'm shocked to see Adriano putting two glasses of orange juice on the table.

On the table are two omelettes and next to them are a stack of blueberry pancakes.

'I didn't want to wake you.' Adriano says. I look up and see him staring at me. I give him a smile.

'What's the occasion?' I ask.

'I just wanted to make you breakfast.' He gives me a cheeky grin as he pulls out my chair for me.

I sit down and he gives me a napkin to lay on my lap.

The sun shines on my back through the huge glass door leading to the patio and pool.

Adriano sits in front of me and we start eating our breakfast. The flavours burst all over my tongue. He's put tomatoes in the omelette and it tastes amazing.

He hot, rich, kind, tall and he can cook.

'This is so good,' I say through a mouthful.

'Thank you,' he replies. 'You look shocked.'

'I just wasn't expecting all this.' I explain. I take a sip of orange juice and move onto the pancakes.

'Are these-' I start.

'Blueberry pancakes, your mum always made them for you.' Adriano finishes.

I dig in and Adriano gets up.

'I have something for you.' He says before disappearing out of the door.

He comes back holding a jar. It's filled skittles.

'You said you only like the red ones so I got you this.' He explains sheepishly.

I get out of my seat and walk over to him.

'This is the cutest thing ever.' I take the jar from him and place it on the table. 'Thank you.' I go on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck to hug him.

'There's more.' He grabs my hand and leads me to the patio.

There are two huge bouquets of sunflowers sitting on the sun chairs.

'Sunflowers,' I gasp.

'Your favourite.' He replies.

'How did you know?' I ask.

'A little birdie told me,' He shrugs.

I turn to him and hug him. Adriano picks me up and twirls me around. I wrap my legs around his waist and look down at him.

His grey eyes glisten in the sun.

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