Chapter 99:

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I unlock the door to my house and see that all the lights are turned off.

I creep upstairs, I think Mimi's in her room so I silently enter mine.

I close the door and rest my forehead against it. I turn around and see Mimi sitting upright on my bed.

'Oh dios mio Mimi,' I gasp.

Translation: oh my god Mimi.

'You're late.' She says, crossing her arms.

'I did text you,' I say removing my shoes.

'You said a bit late,' she replies. 'It's two o'clock in the morning.'

'Mimi,' I say.

'You didn't answer any of my calls.' She says.

'I didn't see them, you don't have to be so worried.' I reply.

'Oh yeah, it's not like you're in the mafia and anyone could kidnap you,' she says sarcastically.

'Mimi I'm fine,' I sigh, opening my wardrobe.

'Who were you with?' She asks.

I pause, and take out a brown oversized shirt.

'A friend.' I say. 'You wouldn't know them.'

She grabs one of my pillows and throws it at me.

I catch it.

'What was that for?' I ask.

'When we were younger we said that we wouldn't keep secrets.' She says. 'And I can tell you're keeping a lot to yourself.'

I walk into the bathroom and quickly change into the shirt with some shorts underneath.

I put my hair into a loose bun at the back of my head and grab my makeup wipes.

I sit down next to her.

'You're going to be just as shocked as I am but please don't ask any questions.' I say. 'I'm still trying to process it myself.'

'Ok...' she replies.

I tell her about how I've been meeting with Christianto and how they've told me things about Adriano. I tell her that they gave me an offer and I don't leave out any detail.

'Something happened today too,' I say.

'What?' She asks.

'Adriano and I spoke, and I think he still loves me.' I say.

She stays silent.

'Do you believe him?' She asks.

'I want to, I really do.' I reply. 'But...'

'But what?'

'A part of me wants him to be happy with someone else,' I say. 'But the other half can't seem to let him go.'

'Oh Dilara,' she says.

She pulls me into a hug and I completely breakdown.

'After what he did I don't think I will be able to forgive him.' She says, stroking my hair.

'Mimi what do you think I should do?' I ask.

'He needs to work for you,' she says, and I look at her. 'Until then you need to focus on only yourself and have fun.'

'Something else happened.' I say.

'What?' She asks.

'I found out my grandfather is the leader of the enemy mafia.' I laugh dryly.

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