Chapter 58:

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I wake up and the last thing I can remember is Raphael giving me medicine.

I look around see that I'm still on my couch.

I take a deep breath and try to ignore the pounding in my head.

I walk to the kitchen and splash my face with cold water.

I look at my new phone and open it up. I insert the SIM card.

I look at the number on a piece of paper next to the box of my phone.

I insert the number and text it.

Me: Hey

Raphael: How are you doing?

Me: good I just woke up.

Raphael: Do you want me to come round?'

Me: I'll be fine don't worry.

Raphael: ok, well you have my number if you need anything.

The last message comes through and I close my phone. I put it in the pocket of Adriano's hoodie and walk around the house.

I know it's not good, but I remember Mimi having a stash of tequila somewhere.

I go into the kitchen and check the cupboard under the sink and find it.

I check the expiry date and see that it has a couple months left.

Shame of it to go to waste.

I ditch the idea of a cup and drink straight from the bottle.

I walk back to the living room and pull up the hood of my hoodie.

I can't help but burst into tears.

I miss him. I miss him so much.

I miss his warmth, I miss his laugh.

I miss the fact that he loved Tinkerbell.

I take a gulp of tequila and cradle my knees to my chest.

I need to stop locking people out. I need to let them help me.

I feel like the walls are closing in on me.

I smell Adriano's aftershave. As if he was right here next to me.

I try take a deep breath but struggle heavily. I'm sobbing and hyperventilating. My heart starts beating hard against my chest.

I look down at my hands and wipe the sweat off then, against my knees. I keep trying to breathe and my chest hurts so much.

I'm still crying heavily and my hands are shaking. I start rocking back and forth, trying to calm myself down.

I hear the lock of the front door open and Alessandro, Mimi, Lorenzo and Xuan burst into the living room.

I look up at them.

'Oh Dilara,' Mimi gasps.

Lorenzo hugs me and I cry into him.

'Just Breathe,' Xuan says sitting next to me.

'She's having a panic attack.' Mimi says. 'Get her some water.'

Alessandro runs to the kitchen and comes back.

Xuan takes my hands in his.

'Come on look at me Dilara.' I look at him and concern is etched into his face.

Lorenzo takes the water bottle and helps me drink from it.

'We're here to help you.' Xuan says.

He cradles my head to his chest and I cling onto him. He presses his forehead to mine and rubs my back.

'You're strong Dilara, stronger than you know.' He says reassuringly. 'You're going to get through this and I'll be with you every step of the way.'

I drink more water and finally stop shaking.

Xuan helps me stand up with Lorenzo supporting me from the back.

I feel dizzy and cling to Xuan.

'Don't worry, I've got you.' He says.

'Let's get you home,' Alessandro says.

They help me walk out of my house and Mimi closes the door behind us.

We get into a black Rolls Royce. Alessandro is driving with Mimi next to him.

I sit next to Xuan and rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arm around me and gives me a little squeeze.

I let out a heart wrenching sob and gasp for air. I start breathing normally after a while.

'Everything's going to fine,' Lorenzo smiles softly at me.

I can barely think straight, but I squeeze my eyes shut and try to block the world out.

I wipe my eyes and nose.

'Where were you guys?' I ask. 'How did you know I was out.'

'Zoya, Terzo and Amira went to the training base.' Alessandro explains. 'That's how they're coping.'

'Alora and I took Dynamite on a walk.' Lorenzo says.

'Xuan, Alessandro and I went to the pet shop.' Mimi says signalling to the back of the car.

It's filled with dog food, toys and a bed.

'Matteo came to check up on you and you were gone.' Xuan says.

'Mimi said that the only place you would go is your old home.' Alessandro adds.

Lorenzo hands me the bottle of water and I drink from it.

We finally reach the mansion and we all get out.

Lorenzo and Alessandro take out the shopping from the pet store.

We walk into the house and I take a bottle of water out of the fridge.

'How about we all sit down together and stay up all night when Zoya, Terzo and Amira come back.' Mimi suggest.

'We can get takeout and play games,' Lorenzo adds.

'Yeah, that'll be fun.' I reply.

'Let's get the living room ready for that,' Xuan says.

Alessandro and Lorenzo follow Xuan to the basement.

Mimi and I make our way to the kitchen and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

'You know we need to spend more time together.' She says.

'Yeah, we've both been really preoccupied.' I laugh.

'Promise me in thing,' she says.


'No matter how hard it gets, never get drunk to hide your feelings,' She says. 'Promise that you'll come find me or Xuan or even Lorenzo.'

I let out a deep breath.

'I promise,' I reply.

'Good,' she comes over to me and hugs me.

Terzo, Amira and Zoya walk in.

'Hey guys,' Amira says.

'Hey,' I reply.

'We're getting everything ready cause we're all going to be in the living room together.' Mimi explains.

'Zoya, Amira can you go help the boys in the basement?' Mimi asks.

'Sure,' they say.

'Terzo get over here and help us make some snacks.'

'Yes ma'am.' He says saluting.

I laugh as I take a bag of nacho chip out of the snack cupboard.

Guys I'm sorry if this chapter was triggering, it's probably the last chapter I'm writing that's like this.
Have a nice day!

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