Chapter 16:

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There's no way I'm throwing the first punch, I can't afford to be suspended.

'I heard that Adriano is taking you to his family gathering.' Diana snarls.

'Maybe it's because he finds you annoying.' I reply smirking.

'You need someone to cut out your tongue.' She says, poking my chest.

'I've been threatened that before.' I snarl looking down at her finger.

This bitch is toying with me.

Fuck this.

I push her back, so she hits the door of the classroom. People pull out their phones and start filming.

She looks at Kai, Alara and Carlos in shock as if expecting them to back her. They're also fed up with her bullshit. I look back at them and Kai steps back with his hands up.

'Put your dirty hands on me and I'll break them.' I snarl.

She goes to hit me and I grab her arm, I grab the back of her pitch-black hair and pull her head back so she's looking directly at me.

'You'd be stupid if you don't walk away now.' I snarl. I can see the fear in her eyes.

'You're not going to do shit.' She spits.

'Really?' I laugh. 'Go ask Zoe if I bluff.'

Diana raises her hand and hits me across the face. That's when I lose my shit.

I drag her by her hair and start hitting her, she lands a punch on my jaw and I floor her.

'Dilara stop!' I hear Alara yell.

'She's gonna fuck her up.' Kai says.

I get on top of Diana and put my arm on her neck.

'You need to stay away from me, I wouldn't stoop so low as to fuck someone who wants to be seen with you.' I snarl.

'That's enough!' A woman yells.

Mrs Peters, the history teacher barges through the crowd and pulls me off Diana. I look down at her, her lip is swollen and bleeding.

'Principals office, both of you, now.' She says. I grab my stuff from Alora and follow Mrs Peters to the office.

'This is your second fight already.' Principal Carter says. 'I'm sorry but we have to suspend you.'

'I don't regret it.' I snap.

'You're suspended for three days.' He says. 'You both may leave now.'

I get up and Diana walks out first.

'Dilara, don't make this a habit.' Principal says before I walk out.

I open up my phone and text the group chat.

Me: I got suspended for three days.

Aiden: Wait what happened?

Carlos: Her and Diana got into a fight

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