Chapter 81:

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'Why does Vittoria need us?' Xuan asks.

'Apparently we need to go over the plan since we have like two days left until the ball.' Amira explains. 'We need to check into the hotel tonight.'

'We've been over it so many times,' I sigh.

'I don't think you should argue, Vittoria's in a bad mood.' Alessandro says.

Of course she is.

'Great.' Terzo rolls his eyes.

We walk into a big meeting room with a circular table in the middle and chairs around it.

Vittoria's sitting down with a laptop in front of her and Alora to her left and Zoya on her right.

'Sit,' she commands.

Damn, someone's snappy.

We all sit down and I help myself to a glass of red wine, earning a glare from Vittoria.

It's not my fault you don't have any Tequila in the room.

'We're here to make sure our plan is fool proof, and that we know it off by heart.' She says.

'We have identified the easiest ways to exit the perimeter if we get split up or something terrible happens,' Alora explains.

A plan of the ballroom comes onto the screen and as Alora moves her head some hickeys are exposed by her hair.

'The east and south side are the safest ways to escape, both leading to an alleyway.' Amira explains.

'If we get split up for whatever reason and you feel like your being followed, don't go back to the hotel.' Zoya says. 'Make your way to the safe house.'

'But The closest safe house is in Venice.' Alessandro says.

'By the end of the night or the next morning we should all be at the safe house.' Vittoria says. 'No excuses.'

'What about our stuff?' I ask.

'That'll be the least of your worries.' She replies, her eyes lingering on me for a minute too long.

'But I don't know the way to the safe house.' I reply.

'Then don't get split up.' She says.

I take a drink of wine, ignoring her stare.

'I personally think that if we want our plan to be foolproof we should do something about Christianto knowing my identity.' I say.

'I already told you,' Vittoria snaps. 'Under no circumstances shall you take off your mask.'

'The man isn't stupid.' I say. 'What makes you think that he'll pass over a valuable USB to just anyone?'

'Do a little flirting and you'll be fine, Adriano was stupid enough to fall for your act.' She snaps.

'Excuse me?' I say, putting down my glass. 'What act?'

'You heard me.' She looks back at her computer.

'Take his name out of your filthy mouth.' I snarl.

I take my knife out from my waistband and throw it at her. It immediately hits her shoulder and stays there.

She grunts in pain.

Everyone stares at me in shock.

'Can we get a medic in here,' Alora yells at one of the bodyguards.

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