Chapter 56:

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I abruptly wake up screaming. Dynamite barks from beside me, scared.

I feel my face and it's wet. I've been crying again.

I look around me and Dynamite keeps on barking.

How did I get into my room?

I had the worst nightmare.

Adriano and I where in the forest running and I saw him get killed right in front of my eyes. It felt like I was tied up and I couldn't do anything about it.

I just had to watch him die.

Terzo bursts into my room with a gun and my room is engulfed in light.

'What happened, are you ok?' He asks, worried.

'Yeah, just a nightmare.' I reply, Terzo sighs in relief. 'How did I get here?'

'You fell asleep during the movie again.' He explains. 'Xuan helped take you to your room.'

'Oh ok,' I sigh 'I'm gonna go back to sleep now.'

I lay back on my bed.

'You know it's morning right?' Terzo asks, walking over to my curtains and opening them.

'I was going down to breakfast before I heard you screaming.' He explains.

'Oh ok, I'll be down in a second.' I say, stretching.

'Take your time.' He replies. He leaves the room and closes the door behind him.

I get up and freshen up in the toilet.

I wash my face with cold water, cooling myself down. My eyes are less puffy but still a little sore and red.

I brush my teeth and brush through my hair. I spray some perfume and make my way downstairs with Dynamite.

I enter the kitchen and everyone's sitting at the long table.

Matteo looks at me and immediately looks away. Alessandro is making everyone breakfast.

'Is there any food for Dynamite?' I ask.

'No, I don't think so.' Zoya replies.

I grab a mug from the cupboard and Xuan walks in and slams a bag onto the table.

'Food for the little dog,' He says.

I look at him shocked.

'You did say I should try being selfless.' He shrugs.

'Someone's growing a soft spot for the dog,' Amira laughs.

Alora looks at him admiringly.

'Shut up,' Xuan grumbles.

I grab two bowls and fill one up with water and the other with dog food.

I place it on the floor and Dynamite happily runs to it.

I take a seat next to Mimi.

'What are we eating?' I ask.

'He's making us a special omelet,' Lorenzo replies.

'Adriano taught me this recipe.' Alessandro says.

As soon as he's mentioned everyone goes quiet. Amira bows her head.

'So what's everyone's plan for today?' Zoya asks.

Vittoria enters the kitchen and pours herself a mug of coffee.

'All of you eat and then come to the hospital wing.' She says. 'You too Matteo.'

'Yes Boss.' Everyone says together.

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