Chapter 23:

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I rub the sleep out of my eyes and notice that Adriano isn't next to me anymore. I'm covered in blankets and my head is on a pillow instead. 

I get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom joint with my room. I wash my face with cold water and brush my teeth.

I walk to my wardrobe and put on some turquoise silk pyjamas. The shorts aren't long enough to cover my thighs and the top is just a bra but it'll do.

I walk out of my room, and my head spins with the amount of corridors there are.

I see a short, blonde maid walk past with a pile of laundry.

'Excuse me.' I say. She turns to look at me. 'Do you know where the kitchen is?'

'Down this corridor to the right,' she replies.

'Is Adriano there?' I ask.

'Yes, he's decided to make breakfast.' She says. I thank her and walk down the corridor.

When I push the doors to the kitchen open and the smell of amazing food hits me. 

Zoya's sitting at the table in a red tracksuit, Alora's next to her wearing a nude, crop top and black jeans. Lorenzo and Alessandro have their backs to me and Adriano is cooking.

Terzo looks towards me and his mouth drops open. He wolf whistles.

'Damn Dilara,' he says. Zoya elbows him. Alessandro and Lorenzo turn to look at me.

Adriano finally turns around and his eyes travel my body. His eyes linger at the top of my dragon tattoo.

'Fuck,' he mutters quietly.

'Do you want me to change?' I ask.

'No,' he replies. 'You're fine.'

'She's really fine.' A voice from behind me says. I turn around and see a boy about the age of 16.

He has curly brown hair, green eyes and faint freckles. He smirks at me.

'Matteo comportarsi,' Adriano replies.

Translation: Behave

'Your no fun.' Matteo whines. He walks past me and sits down at the table. I sit down next to Alora, my back is to Adriano.

'I'm Matteo, Adriano's younger brother.' He says extending his hand.

'I'm Dilara, Adriano's....' I hesitate.

'His girlfriend,' Terzo says wiggling his eyebrows.

'His friend,' I reply.

Adriano walks over to me smiling and places a plate of pancakes in front of me.

Blueberry pancakes.

He removes the hair from my neck and kisses me there.

'Just like your mum used to make them.' He mumbles against me.

He places another plate of Chocolate dipped Strawberries in front of me.

'Eat up pazza.' He says.

'Yeah friends,' Matteo says smirking.

'Stai zitto idiota,' Adriano laughs.

Translation: Shut up idiot

I grab a fork and knife and dig into my pancakes. Adriano pours me a glass of orange juice.

'Your dress should be in your room when you go upstairs,' Alora squeals.

'Adriano picked it out for me, so I hope it's good,' I laugh.

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