Chapter 60:

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I straighten out the blazer of my white suit. I've decided to wear white since Adriano and I have always been each other's opposites. He's going to be dressed in black today too.

Like yin yang, salt and pepper and chess pieces. My white Lamborghini to match his black one.

It just works.

This is one of his suits, and I've decided to kind of pay a tribute to him.

I wear one of his silver chains around my neck and slip on some of his rings.

I spray some Baccarat Rouge perfume on me, and brush out my hair.

I haven't worn makeup in ages so I decided to put some on. I've also added some hair extensions.

I apply some lipgloss and take a deep breath.

I'm going to be facing everyone in this mafia. All of The Vipers, and I'm going to stand out the most.

I slip on my white heels and look in the mirror. I'm surprised that I've kept it together for this long, but I don't want to jinx myself.

I silence my phone and slip it into my pocket. I put Dynamite on a leash and we walk out of my room together.

When I step outside of the house I see cars lined up. One red Chevrolet, one white Ferrari, a black Maybach, a white Volvo, and a red Toyota.

'Which one has Adriano in it?' I ask.

Alessandro points to the left and a long, sleek, black funeral car is parked and the driver is getting ready to leave.

'Let's start making our way to the church.' Vittoria says walking out. Her eyes linger on me and she storms off.

What's her problem?

I follow Xuan into the Maybach and Amira and Lorenzo come with us.

Alora, Terzo, Zoya and Mimi get into the white Ferrari and Matteo, Alessandro gets in the Volvo with Vittoria.

I hand Dynamite to Lorenzo so I don't get my suit dirty. 

The body guards follow us in their other cars as we drive off.

The car drive is about an hour before we reach the destination. Of course, it's in the middle of no where.

The journey consisted of Xuan keeping his eyes on the road and the rest of us staring out of the windows in silence, letting ourselves drown in our own thoughts.

Everyone's car is parked In a straight line. There are about three hindered different cars and they all carry about 3-7 people.

Vittoria greets everyone at the door of the church.

Zahira and Chase are here. Zahira's wearing a fitted black dress and a hat with a veil covering her face.

I realise that I'm the only one wearing white.

She sees me and walks over. She holds my hand and Chase looks at me sympathetically.

'Dilara, I'm so sorry for your loss.' She says.

'It's fine,' I reply, nibbling on my lip.

'He was a great soul,' Chase adds.

Zahira gives me a hug, she says hello and gives her condolences to Xuan, Amira and Lorenzo.

The car that Alora was in finally parks and she comes out.

I see that the other girl who got chosen the same day as me is here. She was wearing a beautiful sari that day.

What was her name again?

She notices me and walks over. She's wearing a beautiful black suit, that compliments her brown skin. She added her own touch by wearing beautiful gold jewellery.

'I never got to introduce myself before but I'm Georgia Asher,' she says shaking my hand.

'Dilara Caesar,' I reply.

'My deepest condolences, I never knew Adriano that much but I heard a lot of great things about him.' She explains.

I smile at her softly. Behind her I see that Rebecca girl who tried saying Adriano had a wandering eye.

She's sobbing like she just lost the love of her life.

'Thank you.'

She walks away and Xuan turns to me.

'I think we should make our way in,' He says.

I take a dead breath and nod.

We walk into the church and Adriano's coffin is open and at the front.

While I walk to the front, everyone stares at me. Some whisper to each other but I just keep my head held high.

Me, Alessandro, Matteo and Vittoria sit in the front row.

'I'm right behind you if you need anything,' Xuan leans downs and whispers to me.

I turn around and smile at him gratefully.

When everyone is settled down, the memorial starts.

'In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of our beloved Adriano Giovanni,' The priest says. 'A shocked and stricken world stands helpless before the fact of death, hat death brought us through a tragically successful assault upon the life of Adriano Giovanni.'

My eyes start watering and I try keep myself together.

I look over at Vitoria and see that she's crying.

'Many of you had the privilege to meet him, as I once did.' He continues. 'Now all of a sudden he's been taken from us and I dare say we shall never see his like again.'

I try fight back tears, but I can't and they come pouring out.

'He was a great person and was loved by all of us gathered here today.' The priest says. 'He will be missed dearly.'

The room erupts into applause and the priest puts his hands up silencing us.

'We are now blessed to listen to a couple Eulogies.' He explains. 'Starting with the lovely Dilara Caesar.'


Vittoria looks at me, waiting for me to stand up.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and get your tissues ready for the next one.
Have a nice day!

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