Chapter 12:

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'I'm sorry you had to leave early that night at the party.' Raphael says.

'It's fine, I was getting bored anyways.' I reply.

'Here's your food.' A voice says. I look up and see Adriano holding our food.

He takes the spaghetti and goes to place it in front of Raphael.

'She ordered that.' He says.

'Oh I'm sorry.' Adriano says.

He steadies the plate in his hand, but it tips to the side and the hot spaghetti falls onto Raphael's lap.

'Shit!' He exclaims.

'I'm so sorry.' Adriano says.

Raphael grabs a napkin and starts wiping himself.

'Where's the bathroom?' Raphael asks.

'Down the corridor to the left.' Adriano replies.

'I'll be back.' He says. Raphael stands up and walks towards the toilet.

Another waiter comes over and starts cleaning up the mess on the table and floor.

Adriano smirks, shaking his head when his eyes land on me. The smirk vanishes from his face. I glare at him, crossing my arms.

'You did that on purpose.' I snarl.

'Why would I do that pazza?' He asks. I don't have an answer for that.

Translation: Crazy

'How come you and your siblings are suddenly working here tonight.' I ask.

'We like to help out from time to time.' Adriano replies calmly.

He lays down the rest of our food. Raphael comes back and sits opposite me.

'My sincerest apologies.' Adriano says. 'Enjoy your meal.' He walks off.

'Wasn't that the guy from the party?' Raphael asks. 'The one who pushed you.'

'Yep.' I reply.

'He works here?' He asks.

'Yep.' I reply.

'You knew that?' He asks. I nod.

'Why didn't you tell me.' He asks.

'I was unsure when we where outside but you looked so happy and I didn't want to ruin it.' I reply.

He sighs and looks down at his food.

'Let's not let him ruin our evening.' Raphael says.

'I agree.' I drink some of my water.

'How come I haven't seen you in town before.' He says.

'I just moved here a couple months ago,' I reply.

'That makes sense.' He says.

I look around and see Zoya and Terzo busy serving other tables. I hear a chair scrape on the floor and look to my right.

'I'm on my break so I thought I'd join you guys.' Adriano says. I glare daggers at him but he just smirks at me.

'This is a date.' Raphael snarls. His grip on his fork tightens. I take a sip of my water.

'I had fun at your house piccola.' Adriano says.

Translation: Babe

I start coughing and chocking on my water. I grab a napkin and wipe my mouth.

'Excuse me?' Raphael asks.

'What did Dilara not tell you about our little rendezvous earlier?' He says innocently.

'It was nothing,' I snap.

'She didn't tell me.' Raphael replies.

'Well I was in her room, she was getting ready for your date in front of me,' he explains, leaning forward. 'When I tell you she looks much better without the dress-'

'That's enough!' I exclaim, standing up.

'Where are you going pazza?' Adriano asks.

I move around my seat and bump into someone. Lasagna goes onto my chest, I look up and see Alessandro standing there. I look down and see lasagna all over my cleavage.

This has to be one of the worst dates I've ever been on.

I glare up at him and he puts an innocent look on his face. I push past Alessandro and make my way to the toilet.

'Ese maldito pendejo.' I mutter as I start wiping my chest with a wet tissue.

Translation: That fucking asshole

How the fuck could he sit there and lie to Raphael's face, in front of me too. Why the fuck would he do this? He just ruined everything!

The door of the bathroom opens and I look into the mirror and see Zoya walk in.

'I saw what happened.' She says sheepishly.

I glare at her. I don't want to speak to any of them.

'We where all in on it.' She explains. 'Except Alora she didn't want to ruin your date.'

'And you did?' I snap.

'I had to keep an eye on them incase they did something too stupid.' She explains.

'My whole night is ruined.' I sigh.

'Dilara I'm sure Adriano didn't mean for it to go to far.' She replies.

Terzo walks in, rubbing the back of his neck.

'I've got good news and bad news, which do you want first?' He asks. Zoya glares daggers at him.

'Bad news is, your date left and I don't know if your going to hear from him again.' Terzo says. 'Good news is, Adriano is here to take you home.'

I sigh, rolling my eyes. This is the worst night ever.

'Tell Adriano that he can go-' I start.

'Oh shit you look like a mess.' Alessandro says. I turn around and see him holding a kitchen knife and a glass of wine.

'Thanks to you.' I snap. I throw the tissue in the bin and take a towel from Zoya.

I look down at my dress, that now has dark red patches all over it. I smell like lasagna.

I wipe the excess water off my chest and hand the towel back to Zoya.

I walk past Alessandro and he grabs my arm, stopping me. I glare at him.

'You should thank us.' He says. His grip on my arm tightens.

I grab the knife out of his hand and punch him, making his back hit the wall.

'Hey! Hey! Hey!' Terzo shouts. I turn around and point that knife at him, making him step back.

I press the knife against Alessandro's throat, the scent of cigarettes and mint fills my nostrils. He looks at me shocked.

'I want you all out of my life.' I snarl, pressing the knife down harder a little bit of blood comes out of his neck. He smirks.

'I see Adriano likes the crazy ones.' He laughs.

'I'll show you how crazy I can be in a second.' I snarl. I grab onto the collar of his shirt and hit him against the wall.

'That's enough!' Zoya yells. She grabs me and takes the knife out of my hand. 'Calm down.'

I wipe my face with the back of my hand and storm out of the bathroom.

Heyyy I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Have a nice day!

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