Task 01 : Arriving

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I sighed upon hearing the school ringing thus announcing the classes will begin. Not quite the best moment of a day in my opinion...

Oh well... at least, it"ll allow me to think of something else since today is... a special day for me... this afternoon, something new will happen to me and... how to put it... I'm kinda stressed about it...

At least, the lessons will keep me busy and prevent me from becoming anxious about this... I guess...

« Alright, let's begin. » the teacher starts her lesson. « Last time, we talked about how Japan got part in the second world war. So tod- »

*click !*

A clicking sound echoed in the room, soon followed by a familiar voice speaking while panting.

« Sorry for being late, ma'am ! My clock was broken so it didn't ring ! I promise it won't happen again ! »

« I don't care about your dumb excuses, mister Ama. You are forbidden to come in my class if you don't have a ticket from the principal. »

« What ?! Ma'am, please, don't ! This remark will be on my file for college ! That was just an accident ! I've never been late before, can't you please make an exception ? »

« This is not my problem ! To the principal ! Now ! »

The teacher simply waved at him to go away as if he was nothing but a mere cat she wanted to chase away. Pouting in annoyance, my friend left, closing the door. He only came back a few minutes later, sadened by the remark that's now going to be on his file.

I sympathically look at him... Nako is my friend so I know he indeed has never arrived late for class... He's not the kind of ultra-smart student but he's still pretty serious and doesn't cause much problems... but yeah... This teacher is pretty strict and doesn't tolerate any mistake...

Well... there is an exception to that...

*blam !*

The door got violently slammed open. A high school girl with messy blond hairs and a cigarette in-between her lips walked in, simply mumbling :

« monin'... »

The teacher looked up from her book to stare at her walking at her desk and throw her bog on the ground, sitting on her chair, putting her feets on the desk and putting out her phone, looking at social medias, as if she was just in her salon.

« Hum... » The teacher started... everyone already knows what she's going to say...

« Miss Akamatsu... »

« What ? » the student talked back with a clearly annoyed tone.

« The bell rang 10 minutes ago. You are late to my class. »

« So what ? Ya got a problem, old hag ?! »

« Hum... no, not at all. Please just try to make it on time tomorrow. »

« Yeah, yeah, whatevs. » and then Akamatsu got back on her phone.

I look at my friend Nako : he looks furious, mulbling « that's not fair ! » crumpling and attacking his note until it's nothing but a tiny ball of paper.

I completely agree... this is clearly not fair... and anyone witnessing such a scene for the first time would probably think the same. Wondering : « why are they being treated so differently ? ». Thinking this is not normal.

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now