Task 07 : Safety

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Mom is currently sleeping, laying in her futon on the ground... her breathing sounds calm, which is pretty rare. She usually has troubles sleeping because of the pain and the coughs. I don't know exactly what the pains are like but I know her painkillers help in weakening those, meaning it's even worse when she doesn't take her medication...

I came back home to grab my stuff and my uniform for last-minute decided shift... I don't care how hard I have to work in order to protect her... I'll do anything...

I silently grab my bag that contains my maid uniform. Silently because 1 : I don't want my mother to know or to worry about me working for her, let alone me cross-dressing to literally get stepped on ; and 2 : as I said, a peaceful sleep is pretty rare for her so I don't want to wake her up.

I quickly write something down to explain to her I had forgotten the money for her medicine and I'll go get them again and I'll be gone for a while so don't worry about me. Which is, sure, a bit far from the truth but it's like I completely lied either...

Well, okay, maybe I'm just making up excuses for myself but, as I said, I don't want her to know and to feel guilty about my acts... she's suffered enough...

Rest up well, mom... I promise I'll get you your medicine...

I walk out of the house barely one minute after walking in, walk down the stairs of my old building and start running through the streets.

I get to my first stop, my changing room, also known as the stinky and dirty public restroom, put on my uniform, get out of my transformation room and run to the mansion all while tying up my hairs in two low pigtails.

My hair used to be a bit short for that but I'll be better off with no lock tinkling my eyes. And it can help improving my disguise...

I get to the mansion, use my key to open the gate, walk through the huge garden and walk in the mansion way too big for a family of four.

I carefully open the door to the changing room. Several girls who have shifts on today are there, helping each other to tie their apron in their back.

I discreetly walk in, I just want to put my stuff down so let's not get distracted or noticed so I can go to the young master right after.

« Hum ! Oh hi there, Ouma ! »

« Oh hi... » well, that was quick.

« Ouma ? I didn't think you had a shift today... I thought you'd asked to have the whole weekend ? »

« Oh hum... well... »

« Mirai ! Hurry up and start your tasks ! Madam Kayda will use the bathroom later and she is very strict !» Tojo-sama screams, walking in the changing room.

« Oh sorry, Tojo-sama ! Coming ! »

« Oh ? Ouma-san ? »

« Oh hum... good morning, Tojo-sama ! »

« What are you doing here ? I don't remember giving you tasks for today, did I ? »

« Hum... no, you didn't but... well... »

« Ah, I see... is this about the young master ? »

« Hum... yes... he said he told you about it... »

« Indeed, he did. I'll let you handle this directly with him then. He didn't tell me much though. But please be careful, Ouma : you are a hard worker and you learn fast but the role you were offered is no easy as pie. You are now under the direct supervision of your employeur's son, not under mine. Do not let him down or you may face serious consequences. »

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now