Task 11 : Surprise

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« Hey! The last chicks, you better get out of the changing room and come help your classmates to set up the game! You're not getting away from this! »

Mister Triton, the PE teacher is yelling at our intention from outside, from the school playground...

Those last chicks are no girls... that's just his way of teasing us, the three boys left in the changing rooms... apparently, even all the girls are ready and waiting for us outside...

Us three... my friends Nako and Kiri searching up their bags to get a scarf or anything for me...

I usually try my hardest as to not be late to a class, even a horrid PE lesson with mister Triton... but my friends are strictly forbidding me to walk out of here without covering my neck beforehand...

I'm not sure to understand... according to them, this mark I got on my neck can bring me huge serious problems, including but not limited to getting expelled from the school... I can't let that happen...

« Fuck! I can't find anything!! Koki, can't you like pretend you're sick, so you can ditch PE?! The teacher must not see this! »

« I know! I got it! But... if I pretend to be sick, he's going to ask me for a prescription or a note from a doctor or something! He'll figure it out immediately! »

« Fucking shit!! Why didn't you tell your girl not to do anything?! I don't mean to be rude, but I'm not sure I can help you! »

« I'm telling you I don't have any girl! I don't know how that got here! »

« Guys, stop this! It won't help in any way! There's nothing we can use in here! I even checked the others' bags! »

Nako stops our argument, letting go of one our friends' bag he finished searching up. Our pals allowed us to look inside to get anything that could be useful...

I appreciate their offer, but... we can't find anything to hide this damn mark...

« Maybe we should take something from anyone? Isn't Azake sick today? He may have a scarf! »

« No, no way! It's his! We're not going to steal anything from anyone! »

« Koko! It's this or you get kicked out of the school!! »

« Nah, he's right, that sounds bad... our pals can pretend it's normal, but Azake will tell the teacher if we steal something from him, and Kokichi will go straight to the principal for theft! It'll be even worse! »

« Shit... what do we do now? And the teacher is gonna get us himself any moment now! »

« I... maybe I can just say I got a bruise? I mean... that's probably what it is so... »

« Dude. No way. You remember this guy who got expelled because he went to a love hotel with his girlfriend? There were only some witnesses, no proof at all. The principal still kicked him out. A bruise, of this size, on your fucking neck, will never pass. Ne. ver. »

« So... hum... maybe I can put on a shirt under my shirt to try and hide it? Since we can't find any scarf... »

« Hum... maybe... I don't know what else we can do... »

« Ah!! I know!! » Nako suddenly exclaims, hitting his hand and looking up, as if he just had an epiphany.

He immediately rushes to the door while screaming at us : « I know! We're so dumb! We should have thought of that!! I'll be ba-?! »

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now