Task 13 : Paralysed

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Before we dive in, I know I'm slow af and slowly af write my stories, but can we please stop warning the mayor of the whole world and believing I died one way or another whenever I don't update within a month ?? ^^"

I also have lots of things to deal with in my private life, such as my job search, my psychologist and what we're talking about or a certain fucking annoying person who doesn't know how to communicate which I'm sick of...

Hm anyway! I mean I know I'm af, but in case you don't know or forgot, I'm slow mostly because I want to write and read a chapter that I can be proud of! That's why it takes so much time, along the fact that I sometimes just don't have any motivation or inspiration. Plus this chapter was hella longer than I expected, so I'm sorry if some moments are just the obvious personification of "laziness"...

And if you're ever scared of the author dying under a hydraulic press because she watched too much of a Twitch streamer lives on V3, you can go check my Twitter and Instagram account where I'm pretty active. I also sometimes share some teasers of my next stories.

And if you really can't spend a day without me, then you can go read some exclusive stories I wrote on my Etsy store while waiting for the next chapter. It's only 2 or 3€ and you're delivered the story in 2 minutes, no additional fees! ;-p



I slam my locker shut, creating a sound I've heard several times.

« Hm... »

My hand...

I raise it up to my face...

*Sniff sniff*

It's... not smelling anymore...

At least, not as much as it did when I left the mansion...

But... I still feel like... there are remaining's of... of that displeasing smell... remaining's that don't want to fade away...

« You anxious, Ouma-chan? »

« Huh? »

I look up and turn my head. Here, in the changing room for the maids, while I was worrying about the smell on my hand, Kire looked at me with a worried look, unbuttoning her uniform's shirt.

« Starting your shift? You're scared of being yelled at? »

Ah, right... Kire, Mirai and the other girls in here are these nobles' favorite victims to persecute... I would normally be scared too of getting hit, but...

but no... the reason I'm so anxious has nothing to do with it...

« Oh no, I'm fine... plus, I'm serving the young master today! He's more patient than his sister is! »

But I can't reveal that reason to the other girls...

« Ah right, you're at his personal service! You're so lucky... the young master is by far the most correct person in here! You know, I've heard Hebi ended up at the hospital after being hit by Madam Kayda... »

« What, really?! That's awful! »

« Well, that's just what I've heard... I hope it's just a rumor... »

Yes... I hope so too... for Hebi's sake, I really hope it's false... but knowing how much time has passed since the last time I've seen her... and knowing the Saihara's... it does sound plausible... it even sounds quite easy to imagine...

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now