Task 15 : Posing

736 15 130


Hm...? Wha... what was that, just now...?

Hm... I'm so tired... I just want to sleep... but that cold drop which just hit my eyelid...

Oh gosh... don't tell me there's a leaking or the pipes are damaged?! Mom's already so sick! And repairing it will cost so much money!

Ho... hold on... it doesn't make sense...! There is no pipe in my bedroom!

But then... what was that drop...? Is the rooftop damaged...?

I slowly open my eyes, my body still too tired to move much... I feel numb... only my head dares to move a bit more...

It's hard to distinguish anything in all that darkness... and my view is still a little blurred...

But... what th...? What is this dark mass standing above me...?


« Ah~... »

Ah! I got hit by another drop! Is it coming from this mass?

« Ouma~... »

W... wait... that voice... it's not... mom's...

Wh... who is...?

I... I-I...? I can't move...?!

«!! »

My...! My mouth...! Why is there no sound coming out from it...?!

Shit...! I can't see very well this person's face in all that darkness!

There are just... two little lights... shining bright...

Two little rounds... golden rounds... shining with a bright yellow in the darkness... still...

I feel like... they're... detailing me...

« I can't... hold it anymore... »

Hu... huh...? Hold it...?

« I can't control my pulsion's anymore, babe... you're just so cute... so perfect with this uniform on... »

Wha...? 'Babe'...? 'Uniform'...?! Could this b-?!

As if to confirm my suspicions, I can hear the wind breaking my windows open, allowing the moonlight to come in...

And to show me the young master's face, sit up on me... his cheeks being red because of his heat, drooling with his mouth open and his lips tainted with blood...

What th... what i-?!

« Don't move... it's alright... »

« ...!! »

No! No, shit!! I want to move, but my body still refuses to! I can't even scream or protest or do anything!

« T-t-t! Quiet! If I'm telling you to stay still, you stay still, Ouma... remember... 'les ordres du master envers sa servant sont absolus'... »

« The ordersssss are absssssolute, ssssservant... »

Ah!! That voice!! Just now, I felt a thin tongue tickling my ear as if to tease me... I wanted to slap it away, but my arms are still glued to the mattress!

Th... the thing is moving...? Seems like it's getting away from me...

So cold... long and thin... could it be...?

« If sssssaid to ssssstay ssssstill, you ssssstay ssssstill, ssssservant...»

Th... that snake...! With those bright eyes that look like a cat's...!!

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now