Task 02 : Learning

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No one on the right... no one on the left...

Okay... I can go out !

Phew ! Finally, I'm outside ! Some air please ! I couldn't take it anymore to hold my breath inside this disgusting public restroom !

Oh how I'd like to get changed in some other restroom... but if I want to use a café's restroom, I need to buy something and I can't spend the little money I earn this easily...

I'd like to get changed near my school or my home... in some less... smelling restroom near my school...

But I don't want my friends or classmates or my mother to know I cross-dress... some bad rumors could get spreaded around quickly...

The Mizanaki high school may be the cheapest school in this town, the principal is always trying to give it some sort of a prestigious image. Something like "we may be a cheap public school but our students are serious and brilliant !". See ?

So they're being very strict about being late, absent, bad grades and bad reputation. If bad rumors are spreaded about a student being an addict or fighting or having some... hum... "adult" job outside of the school...

It won't matter if those rumors are true are false, the principal will just take care of it. He's been saying that every year, for all the entrance ceremonies.

At first, no one believed he was serious because we're still teenagers and we still have a right to do what we want ! And then, a student got expelled last year because he made love with his girlfriend and we finally understood that he was dead serious.

(Just in case, they both consented to it and they did it inside a love hotel ! So it's not even a problem about harassing and violating someone or doing something inappropriate in a public place ! They were just... two teenagers passionately in love with each other...)

Well... dead serious... there are some expections to that... one of them being Akamatsu...

Honestly, at this point, I'm not even sure that she never got expelled because the principal don't want to receive a letter from her father or because the teachers didn't say anything about her bullying and behavior...

Ah... speaking of spoiled brat... looks like I'm here... the Saihara's mansion... here we go for my second day !

At least, this time, I already know a bit around, it's a bit reassuring... and I can get in and out as I want with this key card Tojo-sama gave me.

I approach the key from the digital lock near the portal and then hear a beeping sound, as the elegant portal slowly gets opened to let me in.

After walking a few minutes through the huge garden, I push open the entrance door and run to the changing room to leave my stuff in my locker. I look one last time at Tojo-sama's message : today, I'm in charge of the kitchen's table and then vacuum the hallway on the second floor, in the right side of the house. (Yeah, the house is so huge you need to say precisely which hallway you're talking about.)

I put my phone back in my bag and leave it so I don't get distracted while working and leave to go take my cleaning weapons. Handkerchief, sponge...

And if I remember, the kitchen is... this way... wow !

Oh god... that's right, this life is nothing like mine... I feel like the kitchen alone is as big as our apartment... and there are so many gadgets and cooking machines. There's even a double over ! I don't even have any !

The kitchen is pretty thin and long with tons of drawers hidden inside the wall, some latest machines and a table as white as the snow... it's beautiful !

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now