Task 04 : Confronting

978 33 177

What th... what is th... what is this ?!

Ryuga ?! Ryuga Dragmara ?!

I don't understand...

I didn't know what to expect to happen when Tojo-sama told me the young master Shuichi wanted to see me... I expected him to ask for apologies for last time, to ask me to clean up his room, to scold me, to ask some questions...

But I wasn't expecting this !!

I wasn't expecting to see the face of my mean teacher's assitant at the Saihara's ! What's going on ?!

And... why is he calling me "Ouma-kun"... ?

Don... don't tell me...

« Something wrong, Ouma ? »

« Ah ! »

He's still there, wearing a malicious smile while I'm just trying to understand what the hell is going on...

« What's the matter ? You seem pretty surprised. Is my wig ugly or something ? »

« W... wig? »

He then takes the light purple hairs off his head, letting his usual navy blue hairs fall onto his golden eyes.

« Yep, a dumb wig. You know, like to disguise ? »

« Di... disgui... »

« Now, this is just me but I feel like you know a lot about disguises... right ?»

What th... did he disguise into Ryuga to... ?! To... to do what, actually ?!

But if he was the Ryuga Dragmara I saw at my school earlier then... that means... he saw me there as a boy...

No ! This may be a mere trap to trick me or force me to admit ! Plus, it doesn't make any sense ! Why in the world would he disguise to assist my teacher ?!

I can't let my panick show up... he must not know ! No one must or I'll get fired !!

Play ignorant, Kokichi !

« I... I don't see what you mean, young master... do I look this much like the ultimate cosplayer ?»

« Oh another Danganronpa fan ! How nice ! But doesn't this wig look familiar ? »

« E-excuse me? »

« I had to cut short my dear Kirigiri's braid but seems like it was pretty convincing... no one knew it was me !»

« ... »

I stay quiet, afraid of saying something that would prove my secret... everything is screaming at me that he probably already knows but I don't want to take the risk...

« Still acting dumb, huh ? Looks like I'll have to force you to admit, Ouma...»

« ... »

« You see, I noticed something weird today... when you applied to work for us as a cleaning maid, you wrote on your resume that you were studying at the Mizanaki high school, correct ?»

« Hum... I-I... »

« But I went there today and you were nowhere to be seen...»

« M... maybe we just missed each othe-»

« However, I met a boy in one of the classes.»

« ... »


« He looked immensely like you. His name was apparently 'Kokichi Ouma'.»


« You and him look exactly the same. You look like you are twins. Or...»

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now