Task 03 : Welcoming

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« Ah... »

I sigh out of exasperation as I walk to the mansion... already fearing my shift for today...

It's been three weeks since I've started this job... and three weeks since...

Since... the incident with Umi...

There hasn't been any other incident ever since... at least, not as serious as it was but... I sometimes feel like I can hear the young master Shuichi's voice telling me that there were none just because I kept my mouth shut...

I feel like i've changed so much ever since I've started working for this family...

I used to stay late at school to study with my friends or we would hang out to play at the game center... well, I mean... they would play and I would watch them battle... and would take part in a game if they offered to pay me the fight...

Now, they keep hanging out but I'm not with them anymore. I always tell them I have something planned after school, not saying what it is because I don't want them to know.

At first, they thought it should be personnal but as I kept using that excuse, they started asking what was this mysterious thing I was doing after school. I always refuse to tell them. And they often make theories way too far from the truth...

I doubt they can guess anyway... they're already not the ultimate theorician (especially not Nako) so I highly doubt they can correctly guess I crossdress to work as a cleaning maid at the richest family's mansion...

Yeah, that's pretty mean but Nako is really, REALLY bad at theorizing. I know because he never found once the culprit of any murder of any season od Danganronpa, even when it was the most obvious thing ever.

Ah right, if you don't know it, Danganronpa is a very popular TV show. And not just in here. It's famous in the whole country ! Every teenager dreams of becoming an ultimate taking part in a killing game !

It's a serie plotting a killing game whose participants are ultimates, high school students with extroardinary talents. But it's not a a gorey killing game where they kill each other with powerful weapons.

This shows a killing game starring some class trials, investigations, etc. This is a TV show based on the murder mystery and detective work. And there's always a thing with hope and despair.


Now that I think about it...

I don't even have time anymore for Danganronpa...

Not for this... not for relaxing... or hanging out with my friends...

Even during lunch and break times, I try to do my homework in advance because I know oh-too-well that I'll be too exhausted by the time I get home from work... I changed my whole schedule...

I feel like... my whole life now revolves around my job... I understand this is something important that takes time but...

Is it normal that my life revolves that much around it ?

I mean... the fact that the very first thing that comes to my mind whenever I need to schedule something... is it normal that it's always my job ?

Except during class and lunch time, I feel like I'm always thinking about it... when I clean up my own apartment, I always compare everything I have to everything the Saihara have, and I constantly turn jealous of them and their huge mansion...

Mom used to often tell me when I was a kid that being jealous would never bring you any good... so I feel a bit ashamed to be this jealous and envious but...

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now