Task 12 : Opening an Etsy store

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Okay, I'm sorry for this title I chose that made you click, but...

No, this post isn't the new chapter of my fanfiction...

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO WAIT HOLD ON Don't leave please!!

I'm sorry for tricking you, but I did this for a good reason! I have something very important for me to announce!! And I want as many people as possible to see it!!

You see, a few days ago, it was Valentine's Day, otherwise known as the lover's celebration day (hope you had a good day btw, whether you are single or in a relationship). But I noticed something funny that has absolutely nothing to do with love!!

I realized that six months before, I was having my last day of work of my last contract...

(Well, technically, my last day was supposed to be on the 15th of August but it's a holiday in France sooo...)

And that job, that contract... hadn't been the happiest to me...

Some of you may remember "My Guardian Demon" (which keeps receiving votes and comments even to this day like holy shit, the power of mouth-to-ear) and the author's note I wrote at the very end. I talked about how bad I had been feeling throughout the year because I was living at that time with a toxic person who would put me down and make me feel like a dumb shit unable to do anything right.

I was so optimistic about my future when I wrote the end of MGD, I had just accepted this job offer and it was completely in the domain I wanted, also giving me an excellent excuse to move away from the toxic person. (My eyes must been sparkling so much when I was told about the project, I bet I could have turned anyone blind lol)

But in the end, this job turned out to be... more complicated than what I expected...

It was a complicated project and I'm still pretty young and lack job experience. I bet I'm a bit older than most of you, but I'm not an old grandma...

To give you an idea, my daily life is about those job offers that are only looking for students for internships the company can pay with only a quarter of a normal salary. And there are also those other typical job offers that are asking for a whole decade of experience if you want to be hired...

Except I fit none of these requirements... of course, it'd be too easy...


(I even saw on Twitter once a job offer for a Junior position asking for at least 8 years of experience...)

(You guys are just looking for a dude named Junior, right?? That's the only way this bullshit makes any sense...)

When someone typically speaks about the "sacrificied generation" because of a certain virus, meaning the students, the juniors, the graduates, etc., I'm part of this generation who didn't do anything wrong to anyone... leave us alone pls :-)

In short, I was REALLY happy and optimistic when I got to sign this contract!

But I made a lot of mistakes... my boss would always talk to me about the mistakes I had made, which I know is totally normal!

Communication is so important and all I'm asking in a job is to allow me to improve myself and to learn more about my field!

But the thing is, I kept making mistakes, so I kept getting scolded... and I ended up entering a vicious circle...

Whenever I made mistakes, I was scolded by my boss who was unhappy about this. I ended up thinking I was just a dumb girl, but I would also think "next time, I'm not going to make the same mistake again. I'll do it right." But by putting so much stress and pressure on me, by being so perfectionnist so I wouldn't get scolded again, I was getting perturbed and would make other mistakes... so I'd get scolded in the end for those mistakes...

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