Task 08 : Convincing

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One tiny pigtail... and... two tiny pigtails... there you go... I am now Kokoro... I'm not Kokichi anymore...


For a moment, I look at my reflection in the mirror of these public restroom, where I get changed into my maid uniform, as usual... my school bag, now containing my school uniform, is patiently waiting in a corner of the room for me to be ready...

Today... now... I shall go to the Saihara's mansion to take care of the dust on the young master's library, as I am now his personal cleaning maid...

Arh... I admit that... this morning... when I woke up... when I looked at my phone and noticed it was Tuesday... when I remembered the last words the young master told me last weekend... I didn't want to get up...

I almost wanted to pretend like I was sick or make up an excuse to stay at home...

But of course, since I'm way too serious, I wasn't courageous enough to actually ditch this. So I quickly stood up and got prepared... not forgetting to grab my bag that contained my maid uniform... and I left for the day, feeling sick in my stomach...

I tried to forget about this all day... to focus on my classes, to laugh with my friends... I think that was the first time ever I didn't want to see Mrs. Kutari's lesson concluding...

But... as soon as I stood up or felt like someone was behind me... I got all tensed up... I don't use public transportation, but when the streets were crowded, it was impossible to have a six feet long safe distance between each person...

So... as when I got undressed in my bathroom... I was scared to feel something touching up my thighs... and I got anxious...

And now... now that I'm putting this skirt on... I mean, pants do cover with a cloth my intimate part, but a skirt? one can easily raise it...


I can't help but stressing out and tightening my fists on the cloth... why do I feel like my skirt has gotten shorter since last time...?


« Arh!! »

Suddenly angry at myself, I opened the water flow and showered my face with some cold water, because it seems I really need it!

Stop making up stupid ideas in your head and stressing over nothing, Kokichi!! the young master?! grabbing your butt?! seriously?!!

He's a Saihara!! you did see times and times again how rich people treat their maids and butlers, remember?! he wouldn't touch you for anything in the world, he just probably sees as poor and dirty!!

Sure, he's better off than his damn sister and his bitch of a mother but why would he care about you?! you're just a cleaning maid covered with dust you're cleaning all day!! you really think the young master would dare touch you?!

And he's a boy!! I mean, it could be plausible if I were Kokoro... but he perfectly knows I'm just Kokichi!! he knows I'm a boy! so this can't be!!

Plus, he hired you specifically because you're a dude cleaning up his personal belongings!! you really thought he liked you or something stupid of the sort?!

And he never told you « see you on Tuesday, babe » or anything like that!! of course not!! you were leaving and closing the door so you must have misheard him!! he was just saying « bye », you dumbass!! why would he call you 'babe' in the first place?! it makes no sense!!

Couldn't you realize this a little earlier and stop stressing over literally nothing at all?!

Argh... I guess I just got taken aback... maybe I unconsciously remembered that one time when delinquents tried to undress me to get a proof of me not being a girl... I thought this event was over and this wouldn't affect me anymore... I thought I was now used to all the bullying and remarks we can get with mom... but seems like I was wrong...

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now