Task 09 : Calming down

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Author-chan here ! Apologies for taking such a long time to translate, this wasn't supposed to be so long but ofc my body decided to get sick because being healthy is for the weaks

(how to unsuscribe from periods :'-))

While I'm at it, question : would you rather have two short chapters or one longer chapter for next time ?


I grab the doorknob of the young master's bedroom to let a passage open for me, then grab the heavy bin back, full of his clothes that need some ironing, I had put it on the ground to open the door, forgetting about the conversation I just had had with Tojo-sama.

No, I instead just complained silently of the huge weight of the bin I now have carry and of the long distance between the bedroom door and the dressing, where the iron is. Distance that, strangely enough, seems way bigger now that I'm carrying this heavy bin in my arms...

The Young master quickly looks at me upon hearing my footsteps. I smile at him so he understands it's only me going to complete my tasks and take care of his clothes, as we agreed on. He smiles back, understanding my thoughts, and gets back to his economy notebook.

I hardly carry the bin to the dressing, letting a sigh of relief out when I can finally let go of it and stop making my hands suffer.

If I remember correctly, the iron and the table is hidden in-between the furniture's... ah right here! I just have to get the table out and turning on the iron!

The way it's hidden, so discreet, almost elegant and unknown to most people... it reminds me of the secret passageway in here leading to the young master's gaming room... I couldn't take a detailed look at it last time so I wonder what it looks like?

Is this like his room to relax or just a room with his gaming consoles? considering how many serious books and neat clothes I noticed while cleaning his bedroom, I wonder if he keeps his mangas and figures in this gaming room? or maybe he built for himself something similar to the game center we often go to with my friends?

Well... 'we'... maybe I should 'my friends go to without me since I've been so busy with both the school and the job'... arf... not to mention how I get all worked up over nothing and imagining things whenever the young master wants to help me...

At least, now... I should be good... I should be able to focus more on my job instead of imagining things or worrying over nothing...

I'm in the dressing room again, but I have nothing too high up for me to clean up this time. And I don't have to retrieve the clothes that are already neatly folded in their drawers to finish my task.

I shouldn't have any problem now... so the young master shouldn't come in and help me out... he should leave me alone now...

Hum... that's pretty mean to say that... rejecting the young master's help while he's only considerate and worried about me...

But it really makes me uncomfortable... I understand he has good intentions but it... how can I phrase it...

It's unsettling...? no... not quite like this...

It... violates...? Yeah... violate... this word sounds more accurate... though maybe a bit exaggerated...

But I really feel like he violates my limits, my vital space whenever he tries to help me out...

He... he's just trying to help, right...?


Ye... yeah... yeah, he just wants to help... this is the young master Shuichi we're talking about...

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now