Task 10 : Differences

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« Cheep-cheep-cheep! »

Hum? I look up to where the sound comes from. There is a little singing happily on the bushes... I've seen lots of them recently, since the weather has been getting warmer.

It must be happy in such a big garden, I think while smiling to myself, all while working, as the little bird flies from here and there to the neat grass.

Yep, I'm working. I'm once again at the Saihara's mansion this weekend. Instead of going out in a park and enjoying the sun, I had to disguise once more into a girl to clean up the windows in the library.

Pretty huge library, by the way. Seems like the young master Shuichi only has few samples, a mini version of it in his bedroom!

Oh, and if you're wondering, no, he's not the one who gave me my tasks for today. I haven't even seen him all day. Tojo-sama is the one who asked me to help cleaning the library up for this weekend.

Lucky me, at least for this task, the windows aren't too high, so I don't need a stepladder or a stool.

The only thing is... I'm pretty short... I need to walk on my tip toes and to stretch my arm to the maximum in order to reach the railing... arh... I'm so sick of my height...

Even Leby Sunahe, Danganronpa 42nd season's ultimate Plushie Creator, might have a bett-

« Hey there, careful! »

« Ah!! »

What in th-?! What just got around my belly?! What's this thing behind me?!

Someone?! Is someone putting their arms around me...?

« This is dangerous, Ouma-san! you should be more careful! »

Ah... that voice... oh gosh... I was doing perfectly fine without him!

« Here, I'll hold you... »

« Th... th-thank you, young master... b-but you d-don't have t- »

« T-t-t! no buts! We already talked about this! Come on, just hurry up and finish this before I pass out! »

« Mh... »

Argh... here we go again...

Stay strong, Koko... the quicker you take care of that, the sooner he'll let you go!

I go back to my task, still wiping the railing. The young master is still holding me... not loosening his grip...

Arh... no, calm down... he means well, he just wants to help...

I want so badly to say something... even just gulping to prevent my throat from throwing up... I have to bite my lip to make sure I keep quiet...

I almost want to barely do the task now that he's here... just pretend I'm done with it... but sooner or later, I'll have to face the consequences...

Alright, calm down... just do it quick and good! It's half done already!

This spot, it's good... this one... and the last one...

Phew! Finished!

I stand back up, walking away from the window. The young master imitates me and finally loosens his grip, taking his arms off.

Ah... finally some air... I hold back a sigh...

« Ouma-san? »

« Hum? »

« you've got some other spots to clean up? Do you need my help? » he asks, wearing a smirk that's making me uncomfortable...

« no!! No, no! I... I just finished the hardest part! You don't need to worry about me! »

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now