Task 14 : Tearing off

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Oh my gosh...


Greetings Ouma-san. Your tasks for your shift on Thursday, this week, are :

1) Prewash the period-stained clothes that belong to miss Kameko

2) Finish the 'washing machine' cycle, starting at the task of hanging out the laundry

Have a nice day,

Kind regards,

Tojo Kirumi

Oh no...

« Crap... »

Up until now, I've been lucky enough as to not get this task (and I guess my personal shifts with the young master also helped in postponing this), but looks like my time has finally come...

For us maids, doing 'the washing machine cycle starting at the task x' is a certain way of referring to specific cleaning tasks.

Obviously, after a cloth has been worn for a while, it gets dirty and needs to be washed. In our language (i.e. the cleaning maid working for the Saihara's language), we all know the steps of a cycle are :

Prewash if necessary, wash by putting the cloth in the machine, taking the washed cloth from the machine to the drier, hanging out on a thread the clothes that can't bear said-drier, ironing the clothes, folding them, and finally taking them back to their respective dressing room and bedroom depending on who in the family wear them.

Tojo-sama usually plans our tasks so that the cycle keeps going without much trouble, nor interruption. For example, she asks a maid to do the prewash and to turn on the machine in the morning, so that another maid can take care of the steps after washing the clothes during the afternoon.

Meaning I'm that latter maid for today... which also means I have a lot of work to do. But what's mostly worrying me...

'Prewash the period stains'...

Except that how am I supposed to do this?? I'm a guy, I don't get period once a month! Or ever in my life as a matter of fact! I haven't been initiated to this full moon ritual reserved only for females!

Seems like I don't have much choice but to ask for help before leaving the changing room...

« Hm... hey? Mirai? You got a minute? »

« Hm? What is it, Koko? Something wrong? »

« I... hm... Tojo-sama asked me to prewash the period-stained clothes of miss Kameko... but I've never done it before... what should I do?? How does it work?? »

« You've never done that...? Not once before...? »

« Huh... no... it's the first time Tojo-sama asks me this... »

« Okay, but... not even for yourself? You've never had to wash some stains from your panties? Or your bed sheets? »

« Hm... »

Crap... what can I answer without seeming suspicious?? Us men aren't trained for this kind of things!

Well, I guess it kinda makes sense since we're not much concerned... but all the guys I know always make fun of the girls whenever they complain about their menstrual pain! I only changed my mind on that upon seeing the shock on people's faces when they tried a machine simulating this pain!

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now