Task 05 : Deal

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« Sir, young master, we are here. »

« Ah, perfect. »

Arrived ? At the second place ? The classy one ?

Before I could think of anything, the driver opened the door for us and the young master waved at me « After you. ». So I went out of the car and... what ?!

Is this ?! For real ?! La maison nouvelle ?! Is this a joke ?! That's the place he's taking me to ?! To the most expensive and most classy seven stars restaurant in the city ?!

I stay right here, frozen stupor, staring at the edifice, my mouth wide open. A hand touches my shoulder and a voice brings me back to reality « Come on, let's go. ».

I nervously followed the young master who went past the queue to get in, full of people hoping to get a place in this restaurant... we've heard with my friends that one needed to wait several months to book a reservation !

No wonder I was asked to get changed and put some neater clothes...

The young master keeps walking in the VIP queue, me following behind him, noticing all the surprised and jealous gazes thrown at us.

We then arrive at the counter. The hostess is already busy with some clients in the normal queue. A tall man wearing a beautiful suit along with a fake smile suddenly comes to us, rubbing his hands like this one merchand in Zelda Skyward Sword, looking like he's fakely smiling to the point he's harming his lips, hoping to get you to buy his super-duper expensive shield. I recognize him, he's the owner of the restaurant.

I hate this man. My friends and I saw him once screaming at a homeless man searching his trash bags. There were some leftovers of plates that could still be eaten and could have helped the poor man and the owner forced him to go away, screaming that he didn't want a rat near his restaurant who could disgust his clients and make them run away.

I had often admired this kind of restaurant, envying the clients getting inside and who were able to eat the luxury plates in here but after I saw the owner do this... I didn't want to go there anymore... not that I could in the first place but...

« Mister Saihara ! Welcome ! We are so glad to see you're back ! You haven't come in such a long time ! »

« Yeah, my family is pretty busy. »

« Of course they are ! I totally understand ! It is such a honor to see you come back in our humble establishment ! »

Hold on a sec... is this the same who sweared at a homeless man for no good reason ?! What's with this smile and these manners all of a sudden ?! Reminds of multiple personalities ! I didn't know genocider jack had started a restaurant !!

« Is our table ready ? »

« But of course ! We reserved a special table in our special private room, just like you asked ! Please, mister Saihara, Sir, follow me... »

Urgh... yep... the fake smile of this man is almost making me wanna puke...

I followed this greedy landlord, even if I didn't want to. We pass in front of several tables where some classy-looking people are sitting at, some of them look like they're going to the prom or a bal. We walk up the stairs et a waitress opens for us a door to an isolated room with only a table and two chairs that almost like they were stolen from a royal castle. No one else in the room. Just a balcony with a window from where one could see the rest of the restaurant.

Wow... this is so high ! And I must admit this is so beautiful ! Even in my craziest dreams, I wouldn't dare imagine to be able to eat in such a place ! A private room in the classiest restaurant of the city !

At your service, master... - Pregame Oumasai/Saiouma Maid AUWhere stories live. Discover now