Chapter 9 Part 2

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''Well, I guess I'll figure out something to do,'' I said.

''I have first watch. I'll come in around 3.'' Jordan said looking at a clock that was hanging up.

''That's like 4 hour. If you go out by 11 .''

''Don't worry, I'll be fine.'' He said as Mark came in with his food.

I sat up so he could eat. Realizing I had a bad headache I moved and laid back down on the arm of the couch.

''What's wrong?'' Faith looked at me.

''I'll be okay. Just got a headache.'' I answered her.

''Mark!'' Jordan yelled.

He came in from the kitchen, ''Yeah?''

''Do we have any pain medications?''

''I have some Tylenol. We didn't get anything at the store but I brought some from my house before I left.''

''Could Sammie have a couple?'' Jordan asked getting up and walking to the kitchen with him.

''Yeah, sure they are out in the car. Let me finish making breakfast and then I'll get it for you.''

''I can go get it so you can finish.'' Jordan said getting up and offering me his plate.

I took it, figured he wanted me to hang onto it. It smelt so good.

''You better hurry or nothing will be on your plate when you come back.'' I teased.

''That was the point of me handing you the plate, Love.'' He smiled.

''Are you sure your done?''

''Yep,'' he said and left.

''He just said you could eat his food!'' Faith said.

''Yeah I guess so,'' I said.

''That's the first time I have seen a man be willing to give his own food up without a second thought.'' She said.

''He's done it once before. But I think you were in the bathroom.'' Matti said.

''Oh. That's cute.'' Faith said.

I took a bite and spit it back out on the plate. It was a little salty and to much pepper it burnt my mouth.

''Ew!!'' Faith screamed.

I jumped up and ran to the kitchen to get something to take the burning away. Now I know why Jordan was done so fast. And he let me take a bite of it know it was gunna burn. I got a glass of water and a piece of bread. I threw whatever was left in the trash and but the plate in the sink.

''Here you go, Love. I would've got water for you.'' He said.

''Why did you let me eat that!?'' I said quietly.

''What do mean?''

''There was a lot of pepper on it and it burnt my mouth.''

''Oh, I thought it was fine.'' He shrugged, ''A little to salty for me but it was good.''

''You don't like salt, I don't like pepper.''

''Sorry.'' He said.

I took the Tylenol. This was gunna be a long day I could feel it. All I wanted to do was crawl in a bed and sleep.

''I'm gunna go out on watch. Do you need anything before I leave?''

''No, I'm good. I'll go talk to Faith for a little while.''

''Okay, if you need anything wake Mark up to call and tell me.''

''Um... I'm sure I'll be fine.''

''Okay.'' He smiled and gave me a hug before going outside.

I went to the living room. Where I found Pebbles sniffing around. Faith was gone and Matti was still reading.

''Where's Faith?'' I asked.

''She went to the bathroom,'' Matti said.

Pebbles looked up at me and wagged her tail.

''Hi, baby.'' I said.

''Hey, sorry I went to the bathroom. Why did you spit that out it was gross.'' Faith said coming out of the hallway.

''Exactly, it was gross. It had to much pepper on it. It burnt my mouth. What do you want to do?'' I said.

''I don't know. Do you know how long we are going to be here?''

''No, all I know is that we are safe for now. But it doesn't feel like it. I'm so sorry for dragging you guys into this mess. If it weren't for me you'd be enjoying your life.''

''Woah, Sammie. This isn't your fault. You need to stop blaming yourself.'' Faith said.

''Faith is right Sammie. You can't blame yourself. Its not like you wanted this to happen.'' Matti said.

''You guys sound like Jordan but less angry.'' I sighed. ''I'm going to get some yogurt.''

I walked into the kitchen. ''Ouch!'' I yelled.

* I know not a very nice spot to stop at but hope you like it! Please vote or comment!

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