Chapter 9 Part 3

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I'm so clumsy. I had fell over something that was on the kitchen floor.

''What's happened!?'' Faith said coming into the kitchen with Matti right behind her.

Looking up at them I said, ''I fell over something on the ground,''

''You scared us half to death,'' Faith said.

''What in the world just happened!?'' Mark came into the kitchen.

''I just fell. Sorry, I'm so clumsy.''

''Try to be more careful,'' he said holding his hand out to help me up.

I took his hand and stood up almost falling over again I grabbed the counter.

''You alright?'' He asked.

''Yes, I'm fine.'' I said. ''Just gunna get some yogurt,''

''Okay, if you need anything I'll be in the bedroom trying to sleep.'' he said but looked concerned when I took a step and wobbled a bit. ''You sure you're alright?''

''Yeah, I'll be fine. Go get some rest before you have to take your shift on watch.'' I said grabbing a yogurt.

''I'm going to get Jordan and he can decide if your alright.'' he said turning to go to the door.

''No! Please, I'm fine theres no need to get him.'' I said but he just kept walking toward the door.

''Please, stop.'' I said taking a step forward but regetting it cuz I wobbled.

Maybe I wasn't fine. But, that didn't mean he had to get Jordan involved. I'm sure I'd be fine in a couple minutes. To late Mark was already outside. I heard the door shut.

''Sammie, you seriously aren't well. You can barely walk.'' Faith said, ''Can we help with something?''

''Yeah, get me a spoon,'' I said.

''I'm serious.''

''Yeah, so am I?'' I said. ''And then maybe you can see what I fell over.''

Matti got me a spoon while Faith looked on the ground.

''I don't see anything, Sammie,'' Faith said and the front door slammed shut and we turned and Jordan comes flying around the corner.

''Sammie, what happened? I leave for two minutes and you already hurt yourself.'' he said looking at me.

''Um... I just fell?'' I said it more like a question.

''Come here,'' Jordan said standing at the other end of the kitchen.

''Why, don't you just come over here?'' I asked hoping he would come a little closer but he just gave me a serious look.

I walked forward and I almost made it all the way to him but then I wobbled and Jordan reached out and grabbed me. Blast it! Now he was never gunna believe I was fine.

''Did you hit your head? What did you trip over?'' he asked pulling me closer to him.

''Yeah, maybe alittle. I don't remember.'' I frowned.

''We were looking and there is nothing on the floor.''Faith said.

''Does your foot hurt?''

''No, I think I might of fell over my boot,''

''Blast it! We can't just take you to the doctor.'' Jordan said frustrated.

''I think we should. I mean she can barely stand up on her own.'' Faith said.

''I would Faith but its too dangerous right now.''

''Hello. I'm right here. I don't need to go to the doctor. I just want to eat my yogurt and take a nice long bath.'' I said.

''You can't even walk across the kitchen without wobbling somethings not right.''

''I'll be fine,'' I said and started to walk to the living room but Jordan didn't let go of me so it was hopeless.

''Where do you think your going?''

''To the couch. Where else?'' I said starting to get frustrated that he wouldn't let me go.

Jordan chuckled and everyone looked him.

''What?'' I said.

''You should stop doing that its so cute. Its not fair.'' he frowned, ''It takes all my power just to resist taking you in my arms and kissing that little frown and your scrunched up nose.''

I blushed and looked down. ''I can't help it. Just don't look.''

''Impossible. Your too beautiful to not look at.''

I blushed even more if that was possible. Faith and Matti awed. Mark cleared his throat.

''Sorry,'' Jordan said.

I looked up, ''Jordan, can I please go to the couch,''

''Sure,'' he said and picked me up, ''We are still disscussing about a doctor.''

''Ugh! Why do you insist on carrying me every where?'' I asked.

''You can barely walk, Love. I'm not gunna just sit there and watch you.''

''Hey, I know! Peggy used to be a nurse we could call her and she if she could come here and look at Sammie.'' Faith said.

''No, its to dangerous we can't have anyone come here,'' Mark said.

''Actually, thats a good idea.'' Jordan said. ''We could call and see but then she wouldn't be able to leave here.''

''I don't like it. It puts her in danger. And she would agree shes too nice not to.'' I said.

''Do you have her number Faith?'' Jordan asked obviously ignoring me.

''Yeah,'' she said and gave him her number.

''Okay, I'll call and put her on speaker just in case she doesn't remember me.''

''I'm sure she remembers you don't be silly.''I said nudging him as he finally let me sit on the couch.

He called her and set everything up. Peggy would be here within the next few minutes. Turns out she moved and lived only a few minutes from here. I finished my yogurt and Mark went out to wait for Peggy. Jordan sat next to me and kept asking how I was feeling.

''Are you doing okay? Do you need anything?'' Jordan asked for what seemed like the hundredth time.

''Yes, I'm doing fine and no I don't need anything. If you ask one more time I'm going to go insane.''

Just then I heard the front door shut which meant Peggy made it here safe. I signed in relief.

''Thank you, God,'' I wispered.

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