Chapter 3 Part 3

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*I'm sorry everyone I just realized how many spelling errors there are. I will try to proof read it more closely. I hope you guys like it.*

     What happened started replaying in my head.

''Sammie,'' Jordan said standing in front of me and I stepped back.

He stepped closer and wrapped me in his arms. We sat there for a couple minutes just hugging.

Alex cleared his throat, ''How's the food I'm hungry?'' he asked and I stepped out of his arms and to the side.

''Alex!'' Matti said and I looked over and seen that Faith had her phone out so I guessed she was going to take a picture.

''Oh my bad,'' Alex said.

Jordan check the fries and chicken, ''About 10 more minutes. We can do it again if you want a picture.'' he said and raised an eyebrow at me.

''Yeah do it again so we can get one.'' Matti said.

''No, I don't want to be in a picture.'' I said but like it or not Jordan wrapped his arms around me so I did the same.

We sat there waiting for them to take a picture but I moved my head to his shoulder and it turned into a real hug.

''Okay they got the picture.'' Alex said.

I backed up,''Thank you Alex,'' I said and walked over to see the picture and in it Jordan was winking.

Pebbles went and laid down by the doorway of the kitchen. I turned around to face Jordan but he was gone. I looked all around the kitchen.

''He went to the living room for a minute he'll be back,'' Faith said and I knew something was up.

''You guys what is going on?'' I asked.

''What do mean?'' Faith said.

''What are talking about nothing.'' Matti said.

''I don't believe that for one second.'' I said.

Jordan touched my side and made me jump. ''Jordan you scared me don't do that again I almost slapped you.''

I looked at him and he had a small box.

''Jordan I said no gifts.'' I whined.

''Too bad,'' he said and opened it and in box was a heart diamond necklace and I gasped.

''Jordan, I don't know what to say,'' I said and he turned the heart over and it had ''Jordan and Sammie Forever'' engraved on it.

I turned around and lifted my hair for him to put it on. As he did Faith snapped a picture.

''You guys are so cute!'' Matti said.

I smiled and Jordan said, ''Thank you but she's the cute one.''

I blushed and turned around to face him, ''Thank you I love it,''

''Anything for you, Love.'' he winked.

''Did he just call you Love? That is like the cutest thing I have ever heard!'' Faith said.

''Yes I did,'' Jordan said and I gave him another hug.

''Well if I was get this many hugs I would've gave it to you sooner.'' He wispered but everyone else heard it and laughed a little.

''Chicken and fries. I'm hungry.'' I said going to the fridge to get the salad stuff out.

''What are you doing?'' said Jordan grabbing me and spinning me so he was in between the fridge and me.

''I was getting the salad things out.'' I said and tried to get to the fridge but he shut it and leaned against it.

''I will do that. You go sit and I'll bring it to you.''

''But I don't want to sit,''

''Do I have to carry you in there?'' he asked and raise his eyebrow.

''Fine I'll go sit down,'' I said and turned to Faith and Matti, ''You guys want to come with me.''

''Sure,'' Matti said.

''I think I'll stay here and get my food,'' Faith said.

''I will get for you,'' Hunter said.

''You sure?'' she asked.

''Yeah, go.''He said.

So us girls went and sat on the couch and Pebbles jumped up on my lap and licked me once and curled up into a ball.

''So,'' I said trying to work up a conversation.

''So,'' Faith said.

''I remember when I was like 16 and Faith you were almost 14 and Matti was like 17 and we were at the youth conference when we played that game and I happened to be teamed up with Jordan and Dillon I think he's name was. The topic was potty training and they made it awkward and they argued weather or not to name the little boy,''

''So that's why you looked at us and started laughing.''Faith said.

''Yeah they made it awkward.'' I laughed, ''We didn't even discuss it when the time was up Jordan just told something.''

''Oh he did alright,'' Matti said.

''Yeah,'' I said.

Jordan poked his head in, ''You girls want a salad?'' he asked.

''Yes, with ranch please,''I smiled.

''I know you wanted a salad,''Jordan said.

''Yeah with honey mustard please.'' Faith said.

''It's in the side of the fridge I keep it there just for Faith.'' I said.

''Yeah, with ranch please.'' Matti said.

''I want ketchup for my fries and chicken please.'' I said.

''Yes, Love,'' he said and went back into the kitchen.

''Yes, Love,'' Faith mimicked.

''Shut up, Faith!'' I said.

And she and Matti laughed. While I pet Pebbles on the head. Jordan came in with a huge plate (like a platter to hold turkey on for thanksgiving) of fries and chicken with a bowl of salad.

''Jordan there is no way I'm going to eat that all!'' I said.

''Well I put my food on there too to save dishes.'' Jordan said.

''Oh okay. No salad?'' I asked.

''Nope,'' he said popping the p.

Shawn, Hunter, and Alex came in after Jordan and Shawn gave Matti her plate and salad and Hunter gave Faith her plate and salad. Then they both went back to the kitchen to get there own.

Faith got up, ''Here Jordan you can sit here since you two are sharing a plate.'' Faith got up from the right side.

''Thank you Faith,'' he said, ''Pebbles get down.''

Pebbles looked up at him and then looked at me and laid back down. That was the first time she hasn't listened to Jordan.

''Pebbles get down,'' Jordan said again more firm but she didn't move.

''Pebbles, get down honey.'' I said softly and she looked up at me and jumped down and laid by my feet.

''That's weird, usually she listens to me,'' Jordan said.

''Don't worry its probably cuz she missed me you know how she gets.''

''Yeah your right.'' Jordan said and handed me the plate and sat down putting his arm around me.

Once everyone was sitting down we prayed and ate our food. Jordan decided he wanted to get ketchup all over my face.

''Jordan!'' I squealed. I grabbed a French fry and smashed it all over his face.

''Oh you want to play that game,'' Jordan said and winked.

''No, don't you dare!'' I said.

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