Chapter 8 Part 1

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We all walked into the store after Jordan checked out the parking lot. He held me very close to him. And was still scanning his eyes over the store.

''Girls get closer together,'' Jordan said, ''Mark move on the other side so all of them are between us.''

''Is something wrong?'' I look up at him but moved closer to the girls taking him with me.

''No, not yet. We go to clothes first. I don't care how expensive it is. You like it get it you bring it out it goes in the cart. Understand!'' Jordan said.

''Yes,'' we all said.

We started looking at clothes but I got really bored and just kinda moved around. Jordan was still at my side.

''Sammie you have to pick clothes.'' Jordan said pulling a shirt out and showed it to me.

I nodded and started to look, ''Sorry, I'm bored.''

''I know, but you need clothes and we need to hurry.'' He said as he pulled a dress out.

''I don't want dresses.'' I whined but it was a cute dress. I looked at the size. ''I need a medium,''

''Okay,'' he smiled and threw it in a cart.

The girls and Mark were one rack over. And cart was in between. It took us like ten minutes then we went to get the other stuff we needed. It was a little awkward with guys there. Especially with just meeting Mark. Then we went to the men's so they could get some things.

''This one,'' I said pulling out a light blue button up shirt.

''Uh, yeah sure,'' Jordan said.

''Oh, I wasn't going to give you a choice.'' I said.

''Okay, let's hurry. Sammie is getting cranky.'' Jordan said looking at Mark.

But about 20 minutes later we were back out in the car waiting for the guys and a couple workers, who came to help, unload. We had about 3 shopping carts full of clothes and some other items for us girls, 1 cart full of food, and 1 cart for the boys items and clothes.

''Lets hope we don't have to do this again,'' Jordan said getting in.

I was now petting, Pebbles that jumped on my lap. Then I realized we didn't get any food for Pebbles.

''Jordan, you have to go back in and get food for Pebbles.'' I said.

''Ah, man. Okay, well let's go everyone,'' he said.

''I could stay out here with them while you run in. I don't mind.'' Mark said.

''Yeah, I'm sure you don't. But these girls don't leave my sight.'' Jordan said.

''Then I can run in,'' Mark said.

''Okay, make sure you get the small chunks. The puppy stuff. And get a big bag like the biggest one.'' Jordan said.

''Okay, got it. I'll be back.'' Mark said and left.

''Well, that was nice of him.'' I said.

''Yeah,'' Jordan said turning on the radio.

Write Your Story was on by Francesca Batistelli. I start to sing the song and everyone was off in their own little world. Right before the song ended Mark came out with the dog food. He put it in the trunk and on the road we went.

''Thank you for doing that, Mark.'' I said.

''No problem.'' He said coming to a stop sign, ''Right or left?''

''Right,'' Jordan said.

'' Okay,'' Mark said turning right on to a gravel road.

''How much longer?'' I asked yawning.

''About an hour,'' Jordan said.

''Ah really. I'm tired,'' I whined.

''You can lay your head on my shoulder if you want to,'' Faith said.

''Thank you,'' I said laying my head on Faiths shoulder and fell into a light sleep.

''Your coming with me and yourfiance is not here to save you lets just say he went on a trip.'' A man said I didn't recognize.

''What did you do to him?'' I asked.

''Well, I warned him but he refused to listen so I took out a little puppy, I'm guessing was yours and threw it in the river,''

''No!'' I screamed.

''That's not all your fiance went in afterwards, of course I tied him up so he couldn't  swim very well.''

''No, no, no---'' I said.

I felt someone shake me. ''Sammie, wake up. Its just a dream,'' Jordan said.

I gasped and opened my eyes searching around while breathing hard. We were stopped and Jordan was turned in seat reaching back.

I looked up at him. ''It's okay, it was just a dream we are all here and safe.'' My breathing became normal.

''Sorry, guys,'' I whispered pulling Pebbles closer to me. All I really wanted to do was be in Jordan's arm with my Pebbles. That dream scared me half to death.

''Go,'' Jordan said sitting down but still watching me.

A couple minutes later we pulled into a driveway. When we came to a stop Jordan rushed out checking around before whipping the door open. Pebbles climbed across Matti to get out but stayed by Jordan. Matti got and I rushed out afterwards falling into Jordan's arms.

''Its okay,'' he repeated over and over rubbing my back while I closed my eyes.

Even though I didn't want to leave  his arms it would be safer if we got into the house. ''Jordan we have to go inside its safer,'' I said pulling away.

''Your right,'' he said motion for Mark to come over, ''Come on girls we have to get you inside. Mark you stay behind them I'll go in front.''

''Okay,'' Mark said.

We walked single file with Jordan in front to check the house and Mark in back to make sure everything looked alright. I was behind Jordan waiting for him to come back out. He eventually did and took my hand leading me in and Pebbles ran in shortly after.

''You girls can go pick a room.'' Jordan said, ''We will go get everything.''

''How many rooms are there?'' I asked.

''Two.'' Jordan said.

''That means we have to bunk together.'' I said.

''At least two of you. Me and Mark will take turn between watch and the couch.'' Jordan said.

''No, you guys can share one room and we will share the other. I'm sure the girls don't mind.'' I said.

''We don't care as long as we get to sleep,'' Faith said.

''Yeah, you guys deserve a room,'' Matti said.

''See, it's settled and I'm not taking no as an answer.'' I said walking around to see where things were.

*Hey readers sorry I didn't undated for a while something's are going on right now. But hope you like my story. Please vote! And comment if you'd like!

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